In limbo


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hi all,

As I'm only 8 weeks gone I haven't heard from a midwife yet - fair enough, but do feel a bit out on a limb. I had a bit of spotting the other morning and really didn't know who to talk to about it. I spoke to my sister who had her little boy in November and she said not to worry (I know this much of course - can be fairly normal this early) but to call the Maternity Hospital as they are great with questions etc. I honestly was going to but then just felt stupid. I feel like my doctors won't really want to know and didn't know where to turn. I did call the docs in the end who said yes it could be the start of a miscarriage (althought was only a slight pink tinge really) but probably not and to keep an eye on it.

I know I am really huffy at the moment but just wish I could have a midwife now so that I could feel like I had some support.

Did/does anyone else feel like this? Like they are in limbo, between the stage of seeing the doctor and not quite at the stage of seeing a midwife yet........

I'm probably worse because my OH is working in the States this week so I can't nattter away to him about it all............
Oh bless hunny! Big :hug:

Don't feel stupid at all because at the end of the day that's what they are there for! I really don't know what to say about seeing a midwife because I was very lucky and got to see mine at 7wks, except try not to worry too much as spotting is normal in early pg and if you do ever have any worries then do phone the maternity hospital or even ask on here! There are lots of lovely ladies who have gone through all kinds of things through pregnancy! I've found it a godsend!

Hope you get to see your midwife soon xx
If u are worried an early pregnancy clinic is the best place to go. Maybe do a search see where ur nearest one is and give them a call
Thanks so much guys, feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment. I'm not too worried about it now to be honest - after talking to the doctor. I suppose it's like he said - what will be will be, there is nothing I can do about it (seemed a bit harsh when he said it but I suppose it's right). It probably sounds barmy but I am going to do another HPT on Saturday morning when OH has arrived home just to re-assure myself something is still there. I thought it was weird when my sister went for her 12 week scan and said she was relieved to see there was something still there, but now I understand..........
Haha not barmy at all! I did one last night just to make sure there was still something in there xD
Hi Im also the same exept Im only 5 week. I rung the docs too and they said the same. Im just going to do a test in a few days n if its fainter or not there at all then ill know my answer. Hope everything is ok tho,Im sure it will be. X babydust x
Not just me then. Lets hope we all get the results we want.

K xxx
Hi Im also the same exept Im only 5 week. I rung the docs too and they said the same. Im just going to do a test in a few days n if its fainter or not there at all then ill know my answer. Hope everything is ok tho,Im sure it will be. X babydust x
Be careful witht that cos some tests will have less die that others! The epu by me got new tests and they are so feint! I am 11 weeks and saw bab on scan wriggling away!
Its magical to see but u had a positive u didn't have major bleeding or cramps so try and stay calm I am sure baby is snuggled up nice and safe I had a small bleed last week and everything is fine
Thanks Mrs Mc. Believe it or not my OH missed his flight home so didn't actually arrive until Saturday. I was so excited to see him I completely forgot about the test! Probably a good thing - I feel a lot more relaxed now so that's got to be more positive all round.
You can still call the your midwife or the early pregnancy unit for advice Kerrykins. I've had spotting today, called to speak to the midwife who wasnt available and they gave me the number for the early pregnancy unit. Nurse I spoke to was great, said spotting wasnt necessarily anything to worry about but if it got heavier to give them another phone and they'd have me in to check things out.

I know spotting isnt usually anything to worry about and only called as I wasnt sure what the procedure was if the bleeding did get heavier.
Thanks Bliss - and everyone really, you really have all put my mind at rest. I don't actually have a midwife yet (huff!!!) but have had no sign of spotting since last week so think I am OK for now.
Well, it's no wonder I have been feeling a bit in limbo and left out of things really as I have for the last week or so had to chase through everything. It turns out my doctors surgery didn't send the midwifes (not in the same building) any of my paperwork so they didn't even know about it. And because they didn't know I existed I won't be getting my scan until I'm 13 and half weeks gone and won't have my booking appointment until 14 and half weeks. Great.

Thanks god for google or I would never have known what things to avoid (aspartame etc) as I had no-one to ask. I know I am hormonal and everything but feel really angry about this. It's my first baby and so far I have just been left to guess what the hell I am supposed to be doing.

On the plus side, I have had a call from about six different midwives over the last couple of days checking everything has been sorted so at least I now feel like someone cares.........

Hi KerryKins, I feel exactly the same way. I'm pregnant with my first and am currently 6 weeks but am not seeing my midwife until nearly 11 weeks because they are so busy. I feel stupid worrying so much, but as this is my first pregnancy I have no clue what to expect and would just like the reassurance of speaking to the midwife and having my bloods done earlier, just to make sure everything is on track and progressing well. Am thinking of paying for an early scan in the next few weeks just to put my mind at rest as every little twing I have I keep fearing the worse, which I know sounds really stupid, I just can't help it. My hubby doesn't understand and I'm sure I'm going mad worrying about nothing. I'm normally a very logical, sensible person who doesn't stress over things, but with this I feel completely out of control and very frustrated. Someone please tell me this is normal behaviour?
From my own experience I'd say it's completely normal. I've been all over the place!!!!! I can't wait for my scan as it feels like at least it will confirm something is actually there.........

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