In Greece And Worried


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

Im currently on holiday in Athens Greece for 4 weeks, My partner is half Greek so we are here staying with his family.

Im a bit worried because i have felt normal for the past week or so no sickness or tiredness, Im hoping everything is ok but i just feel so worried.

Im back in England on Sunday and my Scan is on Monday but i really want to be back home now.

:hugs: dont really know what to suggest but thinking of you xxx
Hi hun, apparently symptoms wear off between weeks 9 and 11/12, a few ladies on here have had the same thing. Try not to worry too much hun, from what I've read on here it seems normal. x
Hi Miss July, That makes me feel better knowing that, I wish i hadn't come on holiday for so long now i just want to get home and have my scan.

That's understandable hun. Try and enjoy the rest of your holiday though. It's not long til you come home, although I bet it feels like forever. x
ive never had any symtoms since day 1! im sure everything is fine!!
enjoy greece im sooo jelous!!!!!! xxxxxx
thinkin ov u hun, hope everythings ok. sure it will be xx
others are right, totally normal for symptoms to wear off at your stage! try and relax, not long till scan now :) xxx
I started feeling normal again at 10w 5d and been fine since. Don't worry hun, it's normal to start feelin better towards the end of tri 1 xx
It could be that you are so relaxed on holiday, you are sending those good vibes through to the baby!! Also I am just over 10wks, and mine are now going, so don't worry doll.
Thank you so much girls, I feel so much better now and less worried.

Im looking forward to coming home now, I never thought is say this but i can't wait to come home to the cold and rain, The temp here today is 37c, Its so hot, Im usually in the sun getting a nice tan but been really careful this year staying in the shade.

Thanks for all your advice, Im sure everything will be fine.


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