Hello all. new and worried


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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hello everyone,

im louise, found out i was pregnant couple of days ago so very early days yet. thingsare already changing, sore boobs, tummy muscles feel different etc but ive been having lower back ache on the left side for 2-3 days, yesturday i felt like dull cramp and occasional sharp shooting pain. today ive noticed brown blood. only a little amount and only noticedafter wiping from a wee but now im really scared as we have told everyone and very excited.

ive not been to the doctors yet as they were closed all weekend so going in tomorrow. is what im having normal or should i be worried.

hi there im new here too :wave: i am 8.5wks just now but for the past 4 weeks i have had back pain and period like cramp pain too, this is my 3rd pregnancy and i have had this with all of them it is very common to have these pains alough i havent had any bleeding or discharge but i know this is very common too. i just wanted to say i know its hard but try not to worry.
People often do have spots of blood and brown blood is old blood and not fresh blood. It does not necessarily mean something bad is going to happen.

Sit with your feet up and rest as much as possible and contact the docs tomorrow.

How far on do you think you are?

Congrats on your BFP :hug:
I agree with the others.....The pains you are having are quite normal and brown spotting is usually old blood.

Sit back and relax, look after yourself.

Let us know how you get on at the doctors. xx
thanks all. whats BFP mean? sorry for silly question lol.

im about 4-5 weeks, not sure exactly as we were away for 2 weeks in france..... france is suposed to be romantic and all that :oops: hehe
You might have a kidney infection?? Try not to worry and see your Doc.

Congrats on your pregnancy :hug:
hi hun, dont worry sometime women get signs quicker than others.

As someone mentioned brown blood is old blood so please dont worry too, for reassurance get yourself a doc appoinment and they will put your mind at rest.

BFP means big fat positive (preg test) :hug: :hug:
haha loving the BFP!! thats cool.

cheers people. il let you know what the quack says tomorrow :cheer:
well doc is sending me for a scan. scan unit in the hospital was shut by the time i got into the doctors so shes faxed the request to them and im to ring tomorrow for my appointment time. she said i may be having a MC though :cry: as last night i was having very sharp pains on the left side of my back and sometimes down the leftside of my front.

i really hope not :cry: :cry:
Pains in your side and tummy during pregnancy can just be your muscles and ligaments stretching for baby!
Unfortunatly last night i had massive pains and couldnt do anything. ultrasound and internal scan today shown that ive misscarried and also have a 5cm cyst in my left ovary which isproberbly what the pain is.

so upset but we said we are going to try for another
Awwww im so sorry for your loss. I know there is nothing that will make this pain go away. It will slowly get easier for you and im sure your next pg will be just perfect all the way through. It was just gods way of making sure that the baby wasn't born ill. Good luck with the trying again
:hug: :cry:
Well done on your courage louise.. I am sure your next pregnancy will be wonderful! I have to say though, it is always wise to check out abdominal or back pains. I had very sharp pains on the left of my abdomen when I was 4-5 weeks and I visited the doctor frantically worried that I had an ectopic pregnancy or something like that. Fortunately it was just a urine infection which was cleared up straight away. It is always wise to check out any symptoms that you are unsure of.
I'm so sorry to hear this Louise. I hope you are ok xxx :hug:
I had exactly the same at 5 weeks - as I was worried I rang my EPU and had a 7 week scan which was fine.
So sorry Louise...

Make sure you take time out for yourself...

Wishing you all the best for the next pregnancy... :hug:
thanks all

now im really confused though. :think: :think: :think: :cry:

when i was at the hospital, i hadscans and internal scan and they said they couldnt find/see a pregnancy so assumed that id misscarried.
did a quick pregnancy test whilst i was there which turned out negatinve, although id done 2 previously and were faint positive, so they said the test may be afaulty one but cannot see a pregnancy or its too early to see it, more likely MC though so i thought with the pain etc that it made sence and she said in acouple of days if i would like to do another test then to go ahead.

anyway ive not had any more bleeding, still few cramps but nipples are still VERY sore, i still cant eat sweet stuff as it makes my stomach jump around and im now car sick when passenger so i did a test on a clearblue today and came up positive within 2 seconds, even before the other box had completed, whereas the 2 previous tests didnt show positive until the last minute of the 4 minute wait.

whats going on, im so confused :cry: :cry:
Maybe you were just too early on for them to see anything? I would make an appointment with your doctor and explain what's happened. It's possible that you're still pregnant if you're getting positives and experiencing symptoms. Whatever the case, though (and I sincerely hope that it is that you're pregnant) seeing the doctor is the best thing, IMHO.
been to the doctors. hes 99% sure im still pregnant. booking me for a scan in a week or so, just have to wait for the date off the hospital so it confirms things.

last couple of days ive been feeling wierd. travel sick even when driving (unusual for me as im a delivery driver), struggling to wake in the morning, bloading, falling asleep by 5pm and after a nap il wake up dizzy and not feeling good. also cant eat anything sweet as it makes my stomach turn.

:cheer: :cheer:

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