In Early Labour


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2005
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What a weekend, I previously posted that I wondered whether in false labour.

Friday night started contracting at 8.30 but they subsided at 1am I went to bed and woke at 2.40am with really strong contractions I couldnt breath I felt sick and had a bout of diareaha I went back to bed and just crashed woke at 6.30 with back pain and mild contractions.

Went to the labour ward to be monitered to see what was happening, they confirmed that I was in early stages of labour I was only 1cm dilated but cervix was still quite hard.

The consultant wanted me in but I persited that i would rather be at home.

Well still at home Midwife came yesterday I am 2cm cervix is soft but still thick having regular contractions but not strong enough to require pain relif. She gave me a really good sweep and I have since had strong contractions but again not close enough and not strong enough to require pain relif.

Is it normal to still be bleeding after a sweep I had it at 1pm yesterday and I am still bleeding (tmi I know but it is like the last few days of a period)

This morning I have back ache and some contractions. feeling quite relaxed but disappointed that it is taking so long but pleased that i am quite relaxed. i have another sweep booked for weds and have an induction booked for friday.

If anything I will be well set up for the induction.

Sorry for a long post

glad you finally know your in labour, good luck and I hope the pain doesnt last toooo long! :?

Keely xxx
Thanks for your replys.

Things are moving slowly I have resolved to myself that I will be like this for a few more days

I am climbing the walls though being stuck at home my partner has gone to work as there isnt much he can do at the mo and he only works 30 mins away.

Sarah x
Good luck sarah you'll soon have your bundle of joy :)
Hi Sarah,

Good luck and hope all goes well, hopefully i will be having my baby around the same time.

Good luck Sarah

keep walking and on the move and here's hoping baby gets a wriggle on
Ooooh hope it happens soon!

I didnt recognise your name there for a minute!

L x
Hi Still here

I thought they had stopped yesterday for a while :think: but they soon started again.

I have had such a long night the contractions woke me about 1.30 am I did get up for a walk around but they didnt increase in intenstity or timing so I went back to bed.

I still have them this morning Baby is certainly playing with me and just gradually softening and thinning my cervix it feels quite heavy today down there so what happened last night had some effect.

Going for a walk later so hopefully it will bring it on a bit, there is only so much pacing you can do you can do in your house :wall:

Sarah xx

At least I know that come friday I have a definite induction date knowing me I will probably going Thursday night :lol:
Good luck today sarah lets hope the walk stes you off properly
Its funny you sound exactly the same as me hunny. Hope mine on the way. I had really bad pains from Tea time yesterday. They upped a level at about 11 last night i was in agony and had very loose bowels i thing i had a bit of a show early that morning. Pains continued all night was awake untill about 4.30 am managed to dose off. Woke up this morning at about 8.00 am with pain and needing a widdle. They see to have eased off now but its so so frustating isnt it? They playing mind games im sure. I felt like she was busting out all night and she just got fed up ha ha. Good luck hunny hope you meet your baby soon.
Am I the only one whose bump seems quite content with life and will only bother me with some weak braxton hicks!!!

Im off for a curry.....
Hi Still here.

bagpuss isnt it frustrating i said to the midwife yesterday that I actually think the baby gets up starts work contracting and then when I go to bed it knocks off for the day. :think:

Had midwife yesterday she said I was still contracting but still only 2 cm soft but cervix was still thick :wall: althought she did say baby was even lower and the membranes were now bulging off the babys head :dance: and that the waters could be broken easily tomorrow when I go in for my induction :lol: :lol: :lol:

but she did say have cuddles so last night and this morning my partner did the deed :dance: :dance:

Had a very good show as well and contractions are still going.

going for another long walk I am hoping that it will help and let me go naturally.

Mummysian not long now I must admit I was having cuddles quite a bit the weekend before I started contracting and i had a show so I think it contributed.

Sarah x
Good luck for tomrrow Sarah. I am xcited for you :D
can't believe i missed this one!!! any news yet? i'm off to look in the new arrivals.. hope it all went well


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