Implantation Bleeding

It's a Samsung young mini or something!!

It's shit!

Clear blue just phoned me a second ago about the trial! Ironic!!

I genuinely can't see anything!!

Girl after you've changed in your phone go to spec savers cus it's there!!

Ok, I can see something on the last test you edited but I can't see it in real life!

I thought I could for while after I fished it out the bin but not sure now.

I've got a couple upstairs but I'll wait and use fmu for them.

I'm not convinced/ in denial!!

Emily I am literally completely rubbish at line spotting - and I can totally see a faint line on the non-edited photos (even though they are crap!)

Just unrolling the bunting for the BFP party!
Sorry for ruining a perfectly good line spot with complete pile of shite photos!


I've just looked at it again and it couldn't be more negative if it tried!

I'll leave it a day or and then maybe do another and go from there.

I can see something on some of the pics, particularly the last two of the second lot I posted and the second edited one but why not now in real life?

I know what you mean Emily i couldn't see anything in mine in real life!!
Are you testing again tomorrow? Test with FMU :) xxx
I did another test earlier...

Just checked it...

It has a second line :shock:

I'm concerned it may be an evap though as it doesn't seem to have much colour and looks pretty grey.

Hubby has a fancy phone with a decent camera so I'll borrow it when he gets home from work and try and get a clear piccy.



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So excited for you, told ya there would be a chance this month!! Yay

Can't wait to see the piccy :) xxx
When does he get in? maybe take one with yours for now then another with his hahah xx
So excited for you, told ya there would be a chance of a Bfp this month!! Yay

Can't wait to see the piccy

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