Implantation Bleeding

Oh you two need to get peeing on some bloody sticks !!!! :p oas xxxx
Hahaha I used to have a bad poas addiction but it got too much no poas stick for me until absolutely necessary lol xx
It'll be a bfn you know.

I'm only around 10dpo and if yesterday was implantation, then surely hcg levels won't be high enough for a test to pick up yet?

Feeling a bit nauseous earlier too. You know when you get hungry and feel sick with it. Just had a bowl of cereal and feeling a bit better. Also having a few af type cramps now.

Isn't it funny, now that I think there might be a chance I'm suddenly getting more symptoms!!

Head f**k :looped:

Since you have cheapies you can afford to do quite a few!!:) xxxx id def test hahaa
I've only held my pee for about an hour so def not doing one yet.

I'm beyond certain that it will be a bfn though.

I reckon it's too soon, especially if that was IB yesterday.

I'm so nervous I've got butterflies!

What if this is it? What if we've done it?

You lot are a bad influence!

(Says she who has been telling Angel to poas all morning)

I know!!! You neeeeeedddd to poas
Only fair!! I will if you will :) xxx

I can't cope with all this peer pressure; I'm so easily led!

Going to take the dogs for a stroll in a bit and I'll do a cheapie when I get back.

Don't get excited hun.

It will be a big, bright bfn!

I'm more than certain!

I got my implantation pains on the Tuesday & IB on the Wednesday & my faint bfp that day!!

Good Luck!!

I am excited :o)

Will be checking for updates..

Oooh Emily, got to say it's sounding promising and definitely sounds like you've had ib :) Fx this is your month xx
Ooh stalking hurry up on that doggie walk woman!! :p oas xxx

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