Implantation Bleeding ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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hey girls - just a quick question - how long after you have had sex would implantation bleed appear? and also, how long does it usually last for?

i got mine 1 or 2 days around af was due.
it happened once in the morning, just slight pinky and then again the day after and then that was all x
oh my goodness - that is what has happened to me - crickey lol im not going to get excited BUT yesterday morning when i wiped it was pinky and then nothing, but this morning i wiped it was pink and then again, nothing!!!!';;; :pray:
wow - i read ur post earlier.. think it was on first trimester, saying ssshhh cos af might come!!
it sounds good to me!! u were due on the other day wernt u?
a test might show positive now!
well to be honest hun im not sure when i am due as my cycles have been differnet since coming off the pill in december 2006 - so i was taking this month as my logest cycle, which was 41 days, so that way i wouldnt be disapointed, but then yesterday i thought i had come on as when i wiped it was pink but didnt have any af cramps i always get, then nothing, then today i had exactly the same, and then nothing again, feeling sickly though :pray: did you get any other signs, cramps or anything?
no i never got any cramps...
the only thing i remember was having like a hangover feeling when i woke up.. not sickness so much, but just feelin ill and rough.
i wasnt trying though so never put all this together... until i realised i was pregnant, then i realised why id been feelin like i did, and why i had that implantation bleeding
hi hun i got quite heavy inplantation bleeding and is lasted about 10 days, it started day after af should have arrived, when u testing ? :pray:
just been to toilet as i was getting some 'feelings' down there like af might show, but nope, absolutely nothing!!!!! :pray: im still going to try and hold out until later on, BUT thinking about it, if AF hasnt shown by Friday then i wil have to test then becuase im going out Sat night for my birthday!!
yeah u better find out before u have a drink!
im same age as u, 19 x
yeah im 20 next Sunday though woo woo :cheer:

well i have had a sickly feeling all day, yesterday had really bad heartburn which i have never had before and no cramps but these 'strange feelings'down there for past couple o hours :think:
test test test test test test test !!!!!! haha!
Miss gobby hope you get your BFP this tome around, you have been trying long enough, dont see why you wont.

Hope everyone gets theor BFP soon so i have an excuse to have a drink!
lol :oops:
i know but uve been tryin for 6 months today! surely u know ur body by now and u know its acting differently!
OOOOOOOOO miss gobby dont keep us in suspense am dying to know if your pregnant so i can congratulate you! :hug:
lol girls!!!!!

right i will do you a deal - if i have not come on by Sunday then i will test - deal? :D
:rotfl: your mad you lot!!! i bet you it turns out to be nothing!!! :shakehead:
well u must be feelin something cos u know ur body well enough! lol

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