Hi Ladies,
Many thanks for your responses.
I honestly have no idea what my body's doing. Before we started TTC and for as long as i can remember, my periods have always been between 27-28 days (although i never took much notice of Ov or CM so not sure when that occured) and i was never a day late.
Well, since last month it seems to have all gone haywire. Last month on the day AF was due, I had sore bbs, my nipples seemed to get bigger and i was HOT like you would not believe, my period was also 5 days late before AF finally decided to turn up. That was with an indication of ovulation from an OPK around day 20-22, so i was a little worried that 8 days wasn't long enough for plantation to occur. Anyway, the period ended up 5 days late and i was convinced i was pg.
Now this month, i'm on CD 29, haven't got any pains in my bbs or sore nipples or anything like that, don't feel any different, haven't had any IB as far as i'm aware (although it would be too early to get it anyway, it's only 9 DPO) and obviously i haven't had my period yet. Again the OPK and CM showed OV occuring around CD20-22. I don't take temps as it wasn't a habit i was able to form very easily

( I need a reminder to take my Pregnacare supps

Just wondering if anyone else has found their cycle has gone up the creek since TTC? It's just strange because i'm trying not to think about it so much, but i just don't know when to expect AF and when to do the testing as i'm really not sure if from last month my cycle is now going to be a 33 day one. Just don't know what to do, i suppose it's just going to be one of those things where i'll need to take a clean pair of knickers and stock up my handbag with Sanitary towels just in case!