

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Ok i know im still a bit early to be getting impatient, but i have all my baby stuff now and everything is ready for baby.. but she isnt here! im at a loss as to what to do cept sit on my ass and wait.. and i cant do that for 9 weeks!

I just really really want to meet my ickle girl soon! And dress her in the cute clothes I've got!
Lol yup your gonna have to lol!!! Annoying isn't it I have been read for weeks now haha!! Xx

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ive had to be ready from like 20 weeks cause I thought there would be alot of trips to and from the hospital but she has hung on in there and the room and all her things have been sitting there for alreaqdy 10 weeks!!!! so i know how you feel xx
wait until u get to where i am.. or evie lol thats what u call impatient x
Yup lol!! Today I've walked vindaloo and :bd: lol and still just got strong period pains :wall: hopefully I will wake up To something more tho hehe!! I got you get a 37 week labour if your feeling it already xx
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Yup lol!! Today I've walked vindaloo and :bd: lol and still just got strong period pains :wall: hopefully imeillnwKe up
To something more tho hehe!! I got you get a 37 week labour if your feeling it already xx
Come to mines I am not ready at all! I havent started the nursery yet although today I packed my hospital bag for me and the little lady it made me actually feel a bit more ready!! Just sit back and relax xx
Hi MommaKat!

Can't believe your 31 weeks already!! where did that go!

Have you still got a cracking bump? perhaps you will pop early after all?
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god im getting impatient and im 24 weeks lol!! i cant believe how quick the time has gone....x
Hi MommaKat!

Can't believe your 31 weeks already!! where did that go!

Have you still got a cracking bump? perhaps you will pop early after all?

Yeah I know, In some ways its flying by.. and dragging at the same time if you know what i mean! Doesnt seem that long since I found out i was preggo, but seems AAAAGGGESSSS till she is due!

Bump has gone football shaped, which im hoping means she has moved from being breach, my neighbour said its dropped a fair bit this week aswell :shock: Deffo feeling the strain now!

I dont mind her being early, so long as she is ready for the world, would be horrible to see her in nicu, i dont know what id do :(
Have put pics in the bump thread JJ :) I think overall.. its shrunk LOL it feels very much like ive got a leg up top now! I hope im right and she has turned
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Your bump looks just like mine and I'm overdue xx

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im getting very impatient now, at my 36 wk app mw said she thought id go early which got me all excited but im still here wish she hadnt of said anything! x
I've been ready since 24 weeks XD I'm just glad that I won't have to wait beyond 38 weeks... I'd go insane with sleep deprivation!! (more than I already am, lol!)

I'm not at all impatient - I want this LO to stay in for as long as possible (I am only 30 weeks so will probably change my mind when I get to 36 weeks!).

I'm moving in 4 weeks so just want to get in my new place and get settled first!

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