

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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i don't think ive ever been this impatient in my life.. I can't begin to imagine how evie and helen are feeling.. Its starting to depress me seeing lots of mums having there baby by section.. They've got their LO in their arms now and i want mine..

i feel worse than a child waiting for xmas :( x
i got 4 days to duedate but have already given up.. he wont come! :(
i think he will.. I think ull get a shock one night this week :) x
haha fingers crossed but im not holding my breath
i think they know.. Our little men are sitting in there nice and comfty, knowing how much we want them out :) x
I'm feeling exactly the same! Out of all the October babies only annie and tinkerbell have had their babies early or due date, everyone else has had a section or been induced and I'm so jealous! I actually don't know how I'm gonna cope with another 14 days and if I go over due I'm gonna cry!
im impatient too, but at the same time secretly hoping for a bit more time to organise. its wierd lol
:( i know chaz.. For some strange reason i think ull have ur LO in november.. I don't want no more time to wait.. Im over organised.. Everyone keeps saying appreciate the rest but ive been resting for the last 8 and half months and i can't rest now.. Its so uncomfotable..

Jack get out of mummy x
Im one of the lucky ones, my due date is 24th but im having my section 18th, My BP high tho so if section wasnt booked I would have been taken in yesterday. Hang in there girls xxx :hug:
im so jealous of you girls with ur sections but i know ur having them for a good reason x x
im so jealous of you girls with ur sections but i know ur having them for a good reason x x
Bless ya, Yea i had an emergency with my DD under a general anaesthetic in Germany, not a very nice experience, so had an elective with DS to avoid having the same thing. I have been advised to have one this time. xXx
Im suggesting dont try nipple stimulation.. mine is still really sore after my 3 hours on monday :doh: haha

I am SO looking forward to give birth and i rather wait another few weeks then go trough an section, that scares me.
i think i should read up on sections as i actually dont know much about them x
Impatient isn't even a strong enough word for how I'm feeling x lol! x I am so desperate to meet him! Looking forward to giving birth and excited to feel contractions cos I know that means it won't be long until he's here!

I envy the ladies who have a section the fact that they know exactly when they'll meet baby but I don't envy them the surgery and recovery they have to go through x
haha i know exactly what you mean.. i actually cant wait to feel the pain of contractions because i then know its time :D x
I'm impatient at the best of times but waiting to meet your baby for the first time is just a killer! I'd had DD by now!!! Bloody typical bloke!
very true, typical lads.. too comfty to move x

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