
oh yeah the other was my hair ha ha psml as when my hair is wet it gets really curly like a proper perm and I normally wear it straight and I was worried....then I forgot and my OH too a picture of me and LO with a monk fringe ha ha with a spot on my chin the lot, boob out ha ha ha...sorry Im not helping am I :rotfl:
haha!! by the sounds of it i really wont care then, just something else to stress over isnt it! at least im not the only one thinking about it though!! thanks girls :) xxx
I'm the same, its really starting to stress me out. Not so much the midwives and doctors as its their job to deal with it every day but I don't want my oh seeing me in that state. I know its prob stupid and I won't care at the time but I really feel I could just get on with it better if I was just left to it myself! Xx

You can always ask to be left alone as much as possible in ur birth plan..

Like others have said, you go in your own world and dont really notice whats going on around you.. whos there.. or what theyre doing.. its hard to explain it tbh but trust me you wont care who has their head down there :lol:
Put the diginity bit to the very back of your mind :)
trust me you will care lmao, my mom told me when i was in labour id be in too much pain to care about dignity

im sorry but when i pooed and wet myself while pushing, i cared

i still cared when i had to have a cathetar put in and they were going on about howi was so swollen they didnt know what was what

and i still cared when the midwife came in with her bloody rubber gloves wanting to put a pessary in lmao
trust me you will care lmao, my mom told me when i was in labour id be in too much pain to care about dignity

im sorry but when i pooed and wet myself while pushing, i cared

i still cared when i had to have a cathetar put in and they were going on about howi was so swollen they didnt know what was what

and i still cared when the midwife came in with her bloody rubber gloves wanting to put a pessary in lmao

aww bless you sounds like you had a rough time!! i appreciate your honestly lol x

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