I'm thinking of keeping chickens


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I keep thinking about keeping chickens and i have looked into it and it doesnt sound to difficult plus there is this thing you can get called an Eglu, its looks really good. You can get a small one for up to 4 chickens and its is £400 including the chickens.

But i also want to get a dog and i dont think my oh would let me have both, infact i am pretty sure he wont let me have a dog at all or the chickens but i plan to get round him, what do you think i should get? The dog or the chickens?
if it were me, i'd deffo get a dog, they're much more loving, chickens give me the creeps with their beady little eyes lol :rotfl:
I would get chickens. Imagine your little boys excitement finding the eggs and helping to look after them. You could work on the dog later :wink:

I myself would love to keep chickens :D
I'd go for the dog. With chickens you have to think about your garden, i wanted some chickens but realised that they would ruin a bit of my nice lawn.
Yes but with a puppy they ruin the house until they are trained.
I have both :) Been keeping dogs longer than chickens but would not be without my chooks now. I rear chickens to eat, for egg laying and then have some purely as pets. Some great characters.

Personally not a fan of the Eglu (think its overpriced for what it is) but one plus side is that it cannot harbour mites like wooden hen houses and arks can. I don't believe in keeping chooks penned up in a small run all the time either and like to let mine free range most of the day (unless out). Also makes for tastier eggs.

There are things to consider with chooks and they do need good care. Plus they do also fall ill from time to time so consider if you feel able to learn to deal with their ailments (many vets don't know much about poultry so most chicken keepers learn to treat most things themselves) and occasionally have a vets bill to foot.

My dogs didn't really have to be trained to leave the chickens alone but many dogs are not good with poultry and it takes time and effort to train them.

Drop me a PM if you want some info on good breeds for laying and for kids to handle etc. I'll be happy to help :)
You would need to check if your allowed to keep chicken in your garden wouldnt you/ I know were not allowed to keep live stock in our garden - T&C's of the lease on the land

Sherlock said:
I have both :) Been keeping dogs longer than chickens but would not be without my chooks now. I rear chickens to eat, for egg laying and then have some purely as pets. Some great characters.

Personally not a fan of the Eglu (think its overpriced for what it is) but one plus side is that it cannot harbour mites like wooden hen houses and arks can. I don't believe in keeping chooks penned up in a small run all the time either and like to let mine free range most of the day (unless out). Also makes for tastier eggs.

There are things to consider with chooks and they do need good care. Plus they do also fall ill from time to time so consider if you feel able to learn to deal with their ailments (many vets don't know much about poultry so most chicken keepers learn to treat most things themselves) and occasionally have a vets bill to foot.

My dogs didn't really have to be trained to leave the chickens alone but many dogs are not good with poultry and it takes time and effort to train them.

Drop me a PM if you want some info on good breeds for laying and for kids to handle etc. I'll be happy to help :)

Thanks :D

I dont plan on leaving them penned up as i dont think it is very fair on them so i would be letting them roam around the rest of the garden. I was originally thinking of looking at building a penn or getting a wooden one with a run from somewhere but came across the Eglu and like you say they dont have the risk of mites, i have looked about on ebay and they have some that are slightly cheaper on there but not by much.
1sttimemum said:
You would need to check if your allowed to keep chicken in your garden wouldnt you/ I know were not allowed to keep live stock in our garden - T&C's of the lease on the land


Really! Will have to look into that then but i doubt it will be a problem here.
i live in a semi rural area so i dont no about yourself or even if your land is on a lease rather than freehold?

Flame said:
1sttimemum said:
You would need to check if your allowed to keep chicken in your garden wouldnt you/ I know were not allowed to keep live stock in our garden - T&C's of the lease on the land


Really! Will have to look into that then but i doubt it will be a problem here.

I don't know. Loads of people keep a couple of hens in their garden. Vey few places where you can't keep them. Always worth double checking though.
I really like the idea of rehoming battery hens, I'd like to do that one day.
Chickens are great. We just got 4 more Silver Sussex,and a new Rhode Island cockerel. I can never work out if chickens are unbelievably stupid or extremely intelligent :lol: I love taking care of mine, and seeing them potter round the garden of an evening-plus,eggs from your own chickens are fantastic. You should read up on them a bit,though,they can have tricky little problems at times,like when they get egg bound- you have to hold them over a bowl of hot water etc... also you should probably leanr how to wring necks as well..
I love my chicky-chick! I have 4. I chose the ones I did because they were pretty colours - probably not a great way to choose hens, but I managed to end up with 4 fabulous little personalities. They follow me everywhere, and are not above raiding next door's bird table! They are very easy to look after. I keep mine in an old hen house on stilts that I bought for £20 from a friend, although I had to do some serious scrubbing up of it. They wander round the garden during the day, although I am thinking of putting a fence around part of it (my garden is in two bits) because they are very cheeky, and I can just imagine them eyeing up a tasty bit of salad on my plate when I eat outside in the summer. They are terrible for begging for food! The eggs are great - I have more than I know what to do with, so I give them to neighbours and friends. Makes you very popular.

Here are mine, imaginatively called Mrs Grey, Mrs Brown, Mrs White and Mrs Black;

Lovely chooks mayday :) I like the Light Sussex a lot and hope to get some of those to rear from day old hatchlings this summer. Then they will be my new egg layers and any surplus cockerels will be Sunday lunch.

Poultry keeping is addtictive and I'd not be without them. Like you I find them great characters.

Now I've got to post some pics of mine to share.

Little Egg my Lavender Frizzle Pekin hen


Stella, my Poland bantam hen


One of my black Pekin bantam chicks last summer


Denzel, my prized black Pekin cock bird (sadly died the end of last year)


Daisy Dog (sadly lost her last week) and some of our hybrids and Pekins enjoying an afternoon nap in the kitchen doorway :roll: :lol:

Chickens are great, my grandad exhibits Minorcas, black and white rosecombs, old english game and barred rocks. They are beautiful, lay millions of eggs and...... theres nothing better than a big cock-a-doodle doo to wake you up in the morning :D
zebrastripes said:
you should probably leanr how to wring necks as well..

:shock: Why would i need to do that?!

Some of those chickadees look lovely, really nice colours. That one with the bouffant though is very impressive!
I want an Eglu! I want an Eglu! I want an Eglu!
Been on at Ali for MONTHS to let me get one but he's not budging.
I'm not giving up yet though!
Flame said:
zebrastripes said:
you should probably leanr how to wring necks as well..

:shock: Why would i need to do that?!

Some of those chickadees look lovely, really nice colours. That one with the bouffant though is very impressive!

In case a chicken ever gets hurt beyond repair and you have to put it out of its misery :D
Isnt that what a vet is for? I dont think i could break its neck.

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