i'm so tired i can barely function......


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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what can i say.... bring on the xmas hols!

i am literally about to fall asleep at my desk (cue the arrival of my boss into the office as i wrote those words...) as i have had two sleepless nights in a row.... yaaaaawn.....

the night before last night i kept waking up every couple of hours because i needed the loo, or i was thirsty, or it was too hot, or i just couldn't get comfy at all.... and then i woke up at 4.30 with the leg cramp from hell and after it eased off i couldn't go back to sleep again at all, so at 5am i got up and cleaned the bathroom :shock:

last night i went to bed really late as i though i't perhaps sleep better if i was really tired when i went to bed. my theory being 6 hours of unbroken sleep would be better than 8 hours consisting of an hour here and an hour there. so i did somem more cleaning and tidying, and eventually went to bed just before midnight. well it worked, kind of. i only needed one trip to the loo - but then (and this pissed me off!) at 4.30am the phone rang!!! who in their right mind phones people at that time?!?!? i didn't pick up, and this morning when i got up i rang 1471 only to get "sorry, the last number that dialled your line cannot be given out"

i'm so tired it HURTS!!!!! :(
Aww just when you need to be resting the most too... I can totally sympathise!

I stopped drinking anything after about 8 pm and still needed to get up and use the loo!
Awwww petchy hun i soooo know what u r going through....luckily im not working now but its been weeks since i had a decent nights sleep....its backach, being uncompy, trips to the loo and drinks for me. I wake at least 6 times per night.....then always knackard in the day!
How long have u got till u finish work?
Aw Petchy! I too have tried the going to bed late with the ame theory, I found it kind of works but I have to go to the loo later, and by 5.30 cant get back to sleep.
Seems there are a few of us 'sleepless' at the mo....its not something im used to, always slept as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept soundly til alarm goes off.
You dont have too long left at work do you now? im lucky i finished last week. Are you all ready and organised??? 6 weeks is no time hey? im predicting the 13th feb for my boo to arrive.
I hope you have a nice relaxing christmas break, take it easy and put your feet up.
aww petchy

i am totally knackered too. its all i can do to stay awake. just made myself a coffee. i think i am going to try and have an early one tonight. famous last words though.

somehow knowing i'm not the only one struggling to sleep makes me feel a little better. either that or it was the bacon and mushroom buttie i've just had (boss treated us all to breakfast!) lol

no i've not got long to go at work now thankfully! just today and tomorrow (hopefully we will all go home at mid-day tomorow!) and then 4 days after xmas! i seriously cannot wait!!!

you're right hels, 6 weeks is not very long at all!!! i've got everything i need for baby more or less, just need to get a couple more blankets and some more nappies. i'm not getting anything else now until i see what santa brings this weekend! then i think during the xmas break i will go out and get all the boring bits for me to pack in my hospital bag (in case i need to transfer into hospital from my home birth. good to have plan B ready too!) and i'll try to have the bags ready by the new year.

that sandwich sounds lovely. i love bacon and mushroom, yum.

you are so organised we havent bought anything for the baby except a pram and a bath :?

we are going after the new year and having a blow out on baby stuff. plus my mum is coming from jersey so she will dig deep in her pockets he he.

how come you have four days after christmas. i have just got the wednes - fri and then i am finished on the 30 yippee.

how come you have four days after christmas.
maybe i should have said after the new year! our office shuts down over xmas, so we're back on tues the 3rd of jan, then i finish on the 6th! it'll be 4 lazy days i think - generally just sorting my desk out, clearing personal stuff off my PC and tying up any loose ends before i go!
i was going to finish on the 6 january as well but my mum is here from the 24 dec to 4 jan, and she will be driving hubby mad, so thats why i am leaving on the 30 dec, to help relieve him lol. even though he doesnt deserve it. he wanted the car this morning so it would mean him driving me to work, but whose hubby drank 2 bottles of wine last night. i absolutely refused him driving the car, especially with me and Joshua in the car (kieran was still in bed at that time).

Men, thats all i can say on that subject.


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