I'm really worried. Please help


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2008
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Okay, here's what's happening with me...

I'm 6weeks 5days pregnant and ever since I got a positive at 4 weeks I've been doing HPTs about every 2 days (POAS addiction plus lots of left-over tests). Anyway, as my pregnancy has progressed the lines on the tests have been getting darker and darker. However, this morning I tested and the line was so faint that it was barely there. I did another test straight away incase the first one was faulty but the line was the same.

To me this doesn't look good. Has anyone else had anything like this? I'm really worried that my hormones are not doing what the should be. I'd appreciate any response.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Not sure how much you should read into the fainter lines; I would have thought you need to get your HCG levels checked before you start worrying too much, could you maybe phone your local maternity unit today and see what they say? Try and stay positive hun, take care xx
:think: im not sure, thats why you shouldnt do tests after you get your bfp :shakehead: i remember reading that if the hcg level is above a certain level the tests dont work as its too high to pick it up.
im sure everything will be fine. like emma said it wouldnt do any harm to call your local maternity ward and let them know, they might get you in to check the hcg from your blood.
Never do a test straight after you've just done one! I made this mistake when I went into the Pharmacy to do one there and then and they told me I wasn't pregnant because I'd weed out most of the hormones for the one before lol! The doc told me never to do test after test for the reason that it's going to be fainter due to the fact the hormone levels are lower in your urine.

If you are worried, I would wait until tomorrow morning, do another test (even though I really think there is nothing to worry about hun :hug: ) just for your own reassurance.

I'd scrap the tests though hun, the worry isn't good for you and baby :hug: xxx
I've done 8 tests altogether, and 7 of them were positive and only one was negative, thererfore i think i can assume that the negative one was a false one..

I really wouldn't bother doing anymore tests, i really want to just to confirm it but im not going to because i can't risk it coming up negative and then me being all confused about it again!
I POAS and got a really faint line after my BFP, like maybe 2 weeks later, I didnt take any notice and theres still a baby in there!
Okay ladies, thank you so much for your replies. I annoy myself for testing again and again after I already got a positive, I know I'm asking for trouble!

Your messages have reassured me. I will give the Drs a call tomorrow re.Blood tests but I get the impression that they really don't take you seriously until you're further in your pregnancy or have a history.

I have booked a private scan for next saturday and I think I will get my OH to hide all my remaining HPTs until then.
Thanks again xxx
Yeha I agree! LOL Quit the POAS addiction! haha
I did 12 tests! I had loads so thought I would! The last one I did was a lot fainter than all the others so I ignored it!
Everything is fine! Try not to worry! :hug: :hug:

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