I'm not sure I can take this much longer :-(


New Member
May 14, 2012
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I have been TTC for over a year now and am now it is five days before my next period is due.

I think my timing was bang on this month and felt really positive.

On Friday (seven days post ovulation) I had cramping in my right abdomen which was really different from usual cramps. After this I woke up in the night soaking wet after having a night sweat.

On Sunday I had a small amount of brown mucas type spotting when I went to the loo. Could this be implantation?

I have been feeling really tired, bloated and generally rubbish. My skin has also gone really spotty which doesn't usually happen at this time of the month.

However, I did the early predictor pregnancy test after work and it has come up negative.

Have I tested too soon? I just hate waiting and my hopes building up. I would rather just know as soon as I can so I can get on with my life until next month. I just feel so sad now.

Anybody else going through the same?

sounds like it could be hun, thats what i had. leave it a few more days and try again x
Thanks Roxane. I really hope so. It's just horrible waiting. I do feel different this month though. Fingers crossed.
if not have you tried keeping record of your basal body temperate and sicharge? sounds vile i know if not i can explain it to you? if you do already just keep at it xx
I think it's too early to test 7dpo - I know it's hard but give it a few days an try to test again.
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