am i in the 2WW

Miss July if you're not pregnant I'm gonna eat my hat!!!!!
LinxMinx, my postman has been and gone, no HPTs today so prob be tomorrow which is good as DH is working. :D Try and keep positive hun, sending you loads of :dust: x x

Tracey - EEEEK!! I feel like I have a good feeling about this but I don't want to get my hopes up! CD43 and no sign of AF!! :yay: x x
good luck missjuly really hope u r
ahhh that means mine wont come untill tomorrow either been as thy both got shipped out at the same time lol
well tomorrow it is then??
thats really good hun hope AF stays away for ya and i will try and think possitive
i know its only my 2nd cycle so iv got a long time to try yet and i know i can fall pregnant coz iv got 5 year old lol may just take some time
and next cycle iv got my opks so im looking forward to pin pointing ovulation and getting in tune with my very weird and womderfull body :D
Ta hun, ditto!

Yeah that's true, least you know you defo can fall preg which is good! :)

Phew! Tomorrow it is!!!!! AAAAH x x x
ill be thinking of u all day at college hun i cant even get online at college lol
going to drive me mad not knowing if u r or not lol :)
lots of baby dust to you :D :D :D :D :D
im so excited :D
Aw thanks hehe! I'm so nervous!!! Had that heavy achey feeling all day on and off but defo not AF pains. Not sure when I'll be able to get online tomorrow cos I've got my mum over in the early morning so I'm hoping Mr Postman will deliver them before she gets here! :D
aww ok huny well all sounding good aint it :D
im not in all day tom as got college from 9 till 3 thn takes hour to get home so long day im out from quarter to 8 lol
so ill say good luck now my fingers toes andeverything crossed for ya :D
Good luck to both of you. Ill be having a hangover for sure tomorrow. Lol. Ill still be logging in to check on you guys. Sprinkling loads of babydust everywhere. ....
ahh wish i was drinking could do with one this weekend but nope not till Af shows up and then ill defo have one ill need one me thinks :(
Hiya girls, tests did not arrive yesterday!! I went out early AM was sooooo excited couldn't wait to get home but NO they were not there!! :( :( :(

Must be today.. Well I hope so, (TMI ALERT) I peed in a cup this morning so as to save my FMU.

A little old lady dropped them round, saying they'd been posted to her yesterday! Lol! :D x
omg really lol
you done a test yet????
hahah well mine fitted through letter box lol
was thy in envelope??
Yeah a little envelope. Cannot believe how small the tests are!!! x
i know any smaller n thy wudnt be able to have a line on lmao
thy always look so big on here dont they lol in the pics!!!!!
there minuteeeeee
Yep, exactly what I thought! I thought I'd been sent a naff pack!! :p

nope mine r just as tiny i was sooooooooooo shocked lmao :P
only need a dribble of pee for em to work lmao
o god yeah so do i or it wud end up void or something lol

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