Im new, worried, and wanting the clock to go faster!


Mar 26, 2012
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Hi everyone :D

Ive only just arrived to the Forum. Im about 5 weeks gone, and honestly Im still in denial about being pregnant so I dont feel exactly right here. lol Ive been waiting so long to fall pregnant and now that its finally here I just cant wrap my head around it.

Yesterday I felt pregnant, today not so much. I started getting some brown D/C lastnight after a few cramps while I was napping, followed by some pink blood on the loo roll when I wiped. Since then I have had just brown D/C , it seems to be lessening but I still have mild cramps and my breasts arent as sore today as they were yesterday. I spoke to the midwife today and she said, maybe Im miscarrying, maybe Im not and it was just implant bleeding. Its too early to have a scan and theres nothing they can do. So I have to wait and call her if I have any bright red bleeding.

I always imagined that since getting pregnant has proved to be so hard over the past 5 years with so much treatment and whatnot, that once I got pregnant I could stop worrying. I guess that is not the case! Im trying not to stress and mostly all Ive done all day is sit on the sofa with the odd intermediate nap.

If everyone could just cross their fingers for me that would be great. I know it probly wont do much good but it would make me feel a bit better knowing that someone is thinking of me :D Or if anyone has experienced something similar and carried to term, it would be great to read those stories too!

Courtney :)
from my experince I had this alot in my first tri but all is well it does not always mean a bad sign so try and relax as best u can wishing u all the best x
aww bless ya i know its horrible and to be in limbo land is the worse feeling ever i should know i was like that for 3 whole weeks it was horrid, can u not ring epu or ur docs to maybe get you a blood count check done even if they cant or wont offer u a scan this would ease ur mind either way, best of luck and i hope eevrything turns out just fine and btw it is very common to spot during early preg xxx
Hiya hun and welcome! :) congratulations on your BFP! I remember that worried feeling so well, its so strange how when your TTC that BFP is the be-all and end-all, and then when you get into Tri 1 you realise that actually its only the start of a massive worry!

If it helps to reassure you at all, I also had pink and brown spotting between 4-5 weeks and at one point it turned heavier and bright red too... I'm still waiting for my 12 week scan but I had one at 8+5 which showed a good-sized baby with a heartbeat! Spotting can defo be normal and very common, lots of girls on here have had it and some have sadly gone on to miscarry but others have been fine.

Stick around hun as the ladies on here are fab! I think I would have cracked up the last few months without this place, lol. Let us know how you get on xxx
Hello and welcome. We caught on our 15th cycle, so we were loosing faith we would get there. Our BPF came as an almighty shock, so much so that I had to do three tests the believe it. We were both floored for a few days, then the anxieties and excitement kicked in.

Light bleeding is fairly common, but if your not happy with the midwife feedback then book a GP appointment to put your mind at rest. I've had quite a lot of cramping, which I believe is also common, so I know it's hard, but try not to worry x
I will be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed! I hope it all goes well. xxx
Hi Courtney,

Let me first say congrats on pregnancy , then reassure you you are not alone. I M/Ced in November at 8 and 1/2 wks and yes it was awful but I firmly believe that these things happen for a reason , I have just reached my personal goal of 9 wks today and I am very pleased I may even relax alittle more now ( but I know I probably won't ) the thing is life is full of these highs and lows it's what makes the world turn.
I will cross my fingers for you and I do hope it works out ok for you this time , all the best xx
Congrats :D I hope things are ok - keeping everything crossed for you.

I've been surprised at how much of an emotional rollercoaster tri 1 is - there's always something that's kept me worried. But if it helps, I didn't really have any symptoms until about 6+3, and those I did have came and went.

Now I'm in the throes of sore BBs and nausea, and wishing I was symptom free again! The first couple of weeks were definitely the hardest, so hang in there and you'll soon be at week 12! :)

Sadly, spotting and cramping do seem to be a part of the first tri for so many girls - I had loads of cramping to start off with, and was convinced I would MC. But there are loads of ladies here who've had quite bad bleeding, and gone on to full term, so try not to worry yet.

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