I'm New please help?


Nov 15, 2008
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I found out I was pregnant on Wednrsday due on the 22nd July I think a bit of a shock really as i was on the pill. I haven't told anyone yet not even my boyfriend not sure if he'll be pleased that aside I'm really pleased still can't beleive it even after 4 positive tests some lighter than others, is this normal? Also I'm getting stmach pains that feel a little bit like period pains is this normal?
Congrats to all
Its normal for some tests to look stronger than others, but a line is a line, they all mean your pregnant. And I always got period pains when I 1st found out, so no need to worry there.
Hope all goes well with your boyfriend :hug:
cramps are common, although my Dr doesn't like them and once she knows i get them she prescribe me some sort of pill. but usually it's normal and nothing happens. it's just ur uterus getting used to the new baby :)
Good luck
I found out on tues (so am 4 weeks and a few days) and I have the cramps too. It went from being a sort of stretching/aching to period-type cramps just today. Plus I have some mega backache too. It's the relaxin hormone allowing your ligaments and joints to relax a bit ready for the pregnancy. Try not to worry too much.

And if you're worried about your boyfriend you could always sound him out a bit first before you tell him.

Most of all: CONGRATULATIONS and enjoy your pregnancy :dance:
Hey hun :) I just found out on Tuesday, I was also on the pill so was a complete shock. To be honest it wasnt the greatest news to be at first but the tears have dried up and I am gradually getting used to the idea. I just hope that my worry will turn to excitement. I told my boyfriend and he cant wipe the smile of his face, which is nice.

I am amazed at hoe quickyl the symptoms come. I am shattered, my boobs are killing me, cant stop peeing and Im having trouble going to the toilet (the other end) :oops: and it in turn is killing my lower back...have never had a problem in that department before. Not sure if these are all genuine symptoms or its all in my head. Just feels that my body is really playing up just now.

Everyone on here has been so supportive so you're defo in the right place. Im telling my Dad tonight ahhhhh xxxxx
pacha i know what you mean about whether it's all in your head. the two times i found out i was pregnant that moment i suddenly got all these aches and pains lol

good luck telling your dad. I told mine the first time around and he was less than thrilled. but my family is weird. we are waiting till 12 weeks with this one!!
So are mine buddabun, we have told my OH's parents and they were thrilled to bits, was no nice to see their faces :D

My Dad is a bit different though, he always seems to come out with such negatives that I am dredding telling him. I am hoping he is going to surprise me. Am going over to his at 5pm to break the news...
congratulations, i found out on wednesday too, although we thought i were a bit before then, we hadn't planned for a baby and i was scared a bit too to tell my boyfriend, although shocked at first he is now happy.

good luck when you tell him, i am sure he will be happy.

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