im so confused, please help


Jul 27, 2006
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hello everyone.

where to start? i found out i was pregnant a few weeks back, making me about 7 weeks and 4 days now. last week i started bleeding, at first when i wiped, then it stopped for 2 days. then it came back like a normal period with cramps and clotting. im still bleeding now although its not as much. what i dont understand is even after a weeks worth of bleeding ive just done a pregnancy test and it is still saying can this be right?

i cant go to see a midwife yet as the dr says i have to wait for a positive result to come back from the hospital test and im not due to get that until tuesday.

ive been looking on the net for the answer to my questions but i cant seem to find anything that tells me why my test is coming out positive even though ive lost alot of clots and had a normal but lighter period

any ideas?



It never fails to shock me how doctors can be so cliinical about these issues. I am sorry that you are in such a position that you have to seek advise for non professionals...I have been in the same position so fully understand.

Do you mind me asking how much pain you had?

I am pregnant and had a very large clot after a positive test. I got up and when i went to the loo i had a very large clot. I also bled lightly for a few hours. Then over a week i had spotting and bled very very lightly from time to time but i had no pain.

I was away on holidays when all this happened so didnt see a doctor for over a week. I was then sent to an earlly pregnancy unit where i had a scan and everything, touch wood has been ok so far! So you may well be ok but i think you should go back to your doctors and stamp your feet and say its making you stressed , hence making the suituation worse...It could get you a referal to the hospital which i think would set your mind at rest one way or the other..

Sorry i cant help further.


PS I did chat to a friend who unfortunatly has struggled to get pregant when i had my clot and she said that she continued to have ++ even after the loss of one of her pregnancies. It depends on how far along you are. I had a misscarriage before and it went negative very quickly but after my last clot in this pregnancy it stayed ++ so i think the only way you can find out is to keep doing the pg tests at home and pester your doctor
Sorry that you're having a hard time :hug:

I know in the TTC thread somewhere I read about how long it takes for HCG levels to go back to zero after a Miscarriage, I will see if I can find it for you.

Other than that I hope :pray: that it wasn't a mc and it was harmless :pray:

Take care :hug:
Found the info
Question: How long does it take my HCG level to return to zero after a loss?

Answer: It can take 5-6 weeks for your HCG levels to drop after a loss. Levels may drop off sooner than 5-6 weeks depending on how far along you were with the pregnancy and how your body is responding to the loss. Doctors will sometimes test levels to make sure that they are dropping and will monitor other symptoms. Once a doctor determines you are not facing any complications, they may discontinue with monitoring the levels.

But am still hoping that it's good news for you :)
thanks for the replies :)

i was in enough pain to have to take painkillers, it lasted for a few days. i was wondering how long it took for levels to go down, thats what ive put it down to being for now and not getting my hopes up.

i will probably give it the weekend and see what happens, then go see the dr on monday if nothing has changed. ive just moved so its a new drs and i dont really know how they work, they are so different from my old dr.

hopefully they send me for a scan or something so i can find out once and for all :(

i just called the dr and she is seeing me at 11.20. hopefully she will be able to shed some light on the subject!


(these smileys are funny!)
i had to have an internal even though im still bleeding...not the nicest things! she said i dont feel 'swollen' inside so i have probably m/c but im to go for a scan on tuesday to double check.

thanks for the advice girls :)
oh boopy hope all is well on tuesday, thinking of you :hug:

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