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Sep 23, 2008
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I have registered on the site today and thought I would say hello!

I took a pregnancy test last Monday as I had a suspicion I was pregnant. My period wasn't late at that point, but I hadn't really been feeling myself so I took one to put my mind at rest and it went to positive near enough straight away. I'm still a bit shocked and worried that I'm not ready just yet, but at the same time I'm really happy about it. My boyfriend was also really happy when I told him! We'd only moved in together the night before as well lol!

For the last couple of weeks I've been feeling really run down and sniffly. I've also had some really bad pains in my stomach and my skin is very dry. My hair goes greasy the day after washing and I'm exhausted just walking to the shops and back. I have a bloated belly as well. Not suffering too badly with sickness at the moment, just feel a bit queasy but it soon goes. I can't drink cups of tea anymore! I constantly worry that something will go wrong so was just hoping someone could tell me if these things are normal or not to put my mind at rest :)

Thanks in advance and look forward to using this forum over the next 9 months!

Hiya and welcome to the forum! :hug: Congrats on your bfp as well!

I have the same symptoms as you-tired, gone off tea,bloated etc. Theres loads of info on here, I cant stay away from the forums!
Hiya :wave: welcome to the forum and congrats on your pregnancy!

Everything you are feeling is totally normal. My hair is exactly the same and growing at a rate of I dont know what, my skin isnt the same, I had tummy cramps as well and still get them on and off at times, its just your body changing... im exhausted all the time and NEVER seem to get enough sleep. Not having sickness is quite normal as well (your lucky) you might find you get it slightly later on or not at all even! I also cant stand drinking tea and I used to be a right tea pot, now the thought makes me wanna gag :puke: :puke:

have you made your appointment with the midwife yet as thats your first point of call?? again congrats to both of you on your pregnancy. This forum is great and everyone is really helpfull so if you have any other questions then fire away, someone will always be around to answer your questions or even just to give you a hug!! xxx
My hair seems to be growing really quickly too-and gets greasy very quickly, is it safe to have bleach foils (highlights) in pregnancy?
Thanks for all the advice! :hug: All I seem to do is sleep at the moment! I wake up about 11am every day and I'm yawning my head off at 7pm :lol: I do miss my cups of tea, but they make me feel really sicky now so can't have them! Also the smell of smoke makes me gag now too...I quite smoking as soon as I found out and not touched one since. Used to be 15-20 a day before too!

Anyone else keep going to the loo all the time?! :wink: xxx
Congrats on your BFP and welcome to the forum chick! :wave:

Everything you described is normal hun so try not to worry.

Yip peeing like a racehorse day & night - doing my head in! :lol:
allycat said:
Thanks for all the advice! :hug: All I seem to do is sleep at the moment! I wake up about 11am every day and I'm yawning my head off at 7pm :lol: I do miss my cups of tea, but they make me feel really sicky now so can't have them! Also the smell of smoke makes me gag now too...I quite smoking as soon as I found out and not touched one since. Used to be 15-20 a day before too!

Anyone else keep going to the loo all the time?! :wink: xxx
:lol: :lol: well done for stoping smoking :dance: welcome to the forum and congrats on the bfp :cheer: :cheer: all your feeling is sooooo normal believe me :)
scones said:
My hair seems to be growing really quickly too-and gets greasy very quickly, is it safe to have bleach foils (highlights) in pregnancy?

Welcome Allycat and congrats!

Scones, when I was pregnant I had highlights all the way through and I was fine, my hairdresser said it wasnt a problem at all cos the bleach wasnt touching the scalp. :D

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