Cervix... **please reply girls**


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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My cervix, keeps changing its posistion..

It was high and closed other day..

Now low and open?? I'm nearly 7weeks.. is this normal? bit worried as some resent pregnancy tests have been lighter with FMU..

Sorry to be a worry head.. i know everythin is probably fine, just checking for other opionions xxx
OK 20 odd views and no replies so I'll go first!

Erm truthfully I'd not be poking around up there now. MW's and doctors won't either unless there is really a need.

Please try and relax and not fret about things. Sometimes we end up looking for problems when there are none really there and only cause ourselves more worry. If you have any major concerns go see your GP or MW :)


I have to admit that I was worried every time I twinged and I'm a week or so behind you.... and I started spotting a few days ago.

I have told myself that everyone is different and it's just my body's way of dealing with it. I wouldn't go looking for problems just relax and I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine :hug:

there's not much we can do really ..... I rode my horse today as was sick of feeling like I was made of glass. :shock:
thanks for the replys girls...

I make sur ei wash my hands etc..

I didnt think it was that bad (because when you have sex) it touches your cervix?

Ahh i'll make sure i dont from now on..

You girls are right, i'm looking for a problem, (because of m/c) and i jus cant seem to believe this bean will Stick.. Altho i do feel positive tho..

Thanks for replys :hug:
same as Sherlock said hun, you dont need to check your cervix now there is a little baby growing in there :) dont worry chick you'll be fine :hug: :hug: xx
Ahh my hunny bun sugar plum Charlotte :hug: bless you hun!

You will be fine I'm sure!! The chances are great and one MC doesn't set you up for 10 more :hug:

You're bound to worry, but try to remember that it's all unnecessary worry.

In fact, baby's probably up there looking down at your (clean) hands thinking "WTF is she doing down there?! I'm fine!!" with a lickle sigh and shake of the head and back to growing perfectly healthy :D


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