I'm just stupid...rant


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Feeling really low this morning :( I am just being stupid to think that i could actually be pregnant. I have no signs or symptoms at all! Im building myself up now as have a 1ww till AF is due (28th) and then i can test. I just know that its going to be a BFN, so why on earth am i doing this to myself? Even though i know that my chances are slim - Only been off my pill for 2 months and cycles yet to regulate properly - I cant help but feel a small glimmer of hope. Have had pains like i was ov and BD on the correct day this month (if i managed to work it out right) and had a noticeable change in CM and bad AF like pains (and no sign of AF) but I feel normal now. Ok so i feel a bit sickly but putting that down to being in my head or the fact that im making myself ill thinking about it. Know from friends that the first they new they were PG was when they suddenly realised that there AF had not shown up (thats what fills me with hope) they felt normal too. I dont know. Dont want to build myself up to be so let down. Its still early days for me and DH yet.

Sorry for the rant. Cant talk to anyone else about it all though. My friends who have got PG werent even trying and so they wont understand my frustrations like you girls. i know we are all in the same boat here...

What do you think????

Wishing us all luck and lots of baby dust xxxx :pray:
We all go through what you are going through Babyblues :hug: I think we are all guilty of symptom spotting, but like you said alot of people dont know that they are pregnant until AF is late and they think they better test. TTC is a rollercoaster of emotions every month and gets worse as the months go by trust me! Hopefully you wont have to wait too long. When I think back to all the months when I think I could have been pregnant, I feel quite silly to be honest, as I think you will really 'know' when you are.

Its not over til AF shows her face or you get a BFP. Good luck :hug:
I always feel like this in thw 1ww, we are all in the same boat, just keep remembering that your month will come when you get your BFP :hug:
Babyblues --

Your time will come, like everyone else. It might be harder to some bc of the fact that we want it soooo badly. Bc of this, we stress ourselves out. We start getting depressed. Same here for me. Every month i actually thought i felt preg symptoms... every month i would test. Only to find out it was a BFN. But our time will come. We have to understand that beautiful things and miracles do take time to happen.

We have to think positive.... and good things will happen. When we think positive, we attrack that energy to us. I myself understand how frustrating it can be. Specially if some woman are not even trying and it happens for them. It can hurt.

It is just not our time yet babyblues... but it will come, think positive.
Hugs and more hugs,

hi babyblues
I am in exactly the same situation as you. This is the first month I know for certain when I ov'd and that we BD'd at the right time. I have been charting so it's all there in black & white for me to stare at pointlessly for quite a long time each day!
I'm not sure exactly when AF is due but if 14 days after ov it will be Thursday for me too... I keep convincing myself I can feel something but I know i'm being ridiculous. All i can say for certain is that I am really hungry all the time - but that's probably just me being a greedy cow!!
So :hug: to you babyblues. We all go through it!
We can be test buddies on Thursday if you like - although I probably will do one before then, or else AF will arrive knowing my luck!
kmac - would love to test together, if you havent already! Would it show up if we POAS with FMU on Thursday as thats the day AF is due and so technically not late?! Im just going to do a cheapie test as have NO symptoms at all and so seriously doubt I am PG. If AF hasnt shown though I just want to be 100% sure.

Let me know! xx
Hun I've heard many stories from women who were symptom-spotting like crazy every month and the one month they think they have no symptoms- BFP! Please don't feel like you're going through this alone :hug: Of course you get excited about the possibility of being pregnant, it's an amazing thing to happen to anyone, the thought of a baby growing inside you, you have every right to be excited, hopeful, scared, anxious... Don't stress, you WILL get your BFP, just focus on the final result, it's normal to take a while but it will all end in a perfect little baby for you and your DH. :hug: :hug:
Hi babyblues
Yes - lets test on thursday. I'll be using a cheapie as well.
I have been having lots of cramps so in a way won't be surprised if AF turns up before then.
I could say I'm having symptoms, but it could be anything really!

Will try and hold out til Thursday!

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