im in hospital *update*

I'm so sorry to hear this :(

I hope it will all work out :hug:
Oh you poor thing.
Thinking of you and hoping all is ok.
thinking of you, hope everything works out ok :hug:
Aww hun, fingers crossed, hope things go ok. Keep ur chin up, and enjoy the casserole. :hug:
Hi you :hug:

Really hope everything turns out ok. Thinking of you, hang in there

:hug: :hug:
Hi Jo,

Only just seen your post as I wasn't about last night, so very sorry to hear you are in hospital, I hope everything turns out ok for you :pray:

thoughts and prayers

Em x :pray: :hug: :pray: :hug:
Just seen this, hope everything is ok. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

cassi x
i'm confused you haven't lost the baby have you? i hope all is ok and thinking of you xx :hug:
rusks they suspect ectopic atm but not confirmed. if they cnt c on scan 2mo they will put a camera thru a cut in my tummy :(
they say coz my cervix is closed, not a m/c, but they amount of fluid worried them! consultant didnt want to say what the fluid could b coz he didnt wanna scare me 4 nowt....erm..scared now!!
ill update 2mo after scan 10p a min is costy when its hard to type!!
Oh Jo, will keep you in my thoughts, I hope they give you some positive news tomorrow, try to stay positive and not worry too much. I hope you're getting by ok and being well looked after, you're in the best place care wise x
had scan, they can see yolk which is good! still fluid in left and right of uterus, just waiting 4 consultant to talk to me and tell me when i can go home!! ill prob have another scan in 2weeks which will b ok
thanks for ur support id have raided the drugs cart they bring round every 4hrs if i didnt have this forum!!
thank u all so much!! :hug:
if i can go home ill either txt sami to tell u guys or ill post l8r 2nite, wanna see my baby girl!!!
still hoping its good news, they havent come see me yet but they will soon! yay!!
I'm praying it's good news sweetie, I really really am. I'm coming to see you next week to give you a massive hug! :hug:

Has the fluid gone down in the sides? Good you can see the yolk, I saw the yolk on Wednesday, so we could swap due dates and you might be after me now.

Hope you come home tonight babe xxx
:cheer: Great news Jo! Hope you get home to little Jaycee soon, sure you'll be spoiling her with lots of mummy cuddles!!
Oh hun Im glad things are looking more promising. Hope you can go home soon.
glad things are looking better, keeping everything crossed for you :hug:
Thats great news that they've seen the yolk now, you must be more than a little releived! I think the same can be said for all the girls on here, I'm sure your little girl is desparately waiting to spend time with mummy too.

Glad to hear things are looking good for you and your family :hug:

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