Im going to sound so spoilt but.....

loved your "mini lecture". Yeah hes not like that really just lacks empathy and affection at times. Hes just very very practical...Hes very funny witty and people like him, hes great in social situations but very practical all the same. Theres lots for him being slightly aspergers and lots against. Thanks for input xxx
i dont have tantrums but i do have panic attacks and cry if a situation gets too intense for me, or if im late. i get sarcasm as it follows a logical progression so i can be funny in that way but i dont find many things laugh out loud funny. ive often put my foot in it socially by telling the truth when i shouldnt have lol. i like routine and things to be where they are supposed to be. my manager asks me if she wants to find something in work as i usually know where everything is but i get annoyed when ppl move things!

i was once told by a friend that if it dosent fit into my box (way i see things/the world) then it dosent exist, but i think he meant that as a bad thing and i didnt see how it was...
oh Bev, do you find things hard? but then again would you? Do you just see it as thats the way it is and thats it youjust deal with it. Panick attacks are horrible arent they I used to get them for different reasons but still theyre horrible. You seem to be doing really well though babe. Thanks for your input its helped me so much to speak with someone who has this condition xxxx
well theyre odd to say the least since i dont really know how to panic....everything seems to slow down and my mind seems to race ahead and take my heart and breathing with it, its strange and disconcerting to say the least.
im just me, it was never an issue til last year really i was quite happy being the weird one. i have lots of superficial friends but no close ones, ppl just use each other in my experience so i never cared about that after high school. just put it down to something i lacked the ability to do. i can be affectionate to my OH as we have sex so not touching him apart from that wouldnt make sense lol and its expected and tho i do feel awkward and silly occasionally when doing it i do enjoy cuddling up with him. last year in work i was having some problems getting on with my manager and colleagues so there were lots of meetings, i got very distressed at every one, i dont deal well with criticism or compliments so id cry a lot at meetings and the regional manager sort of clicked and decided that she thought i had aspergers and it was silly that things were so difficult for me cos we work in care and the staff should be able to understand and deal with it so now i get a kind of allowance for other ppl being upset by my actions or words. i never want to upset ppl, i want everyone to be happy and try really hard to please everyone but sometimes i offend or upset ppl with the way i am lol.
oh hun bless you, you sound lovely. Ihave a friend who is so direct that my other friends just arent sure about her. I loved her though and she was my great honest friend, someone to turn to when you need factual honest truth, not Tea and sympathy. She died the other week hence the past tense. She was a great friend as I am sure you are to people but maybe dont realise it or they dont appreciate your uniqueness...Im pretty different due to stuff but am ok with that, am happy that Im different I quite like it xxx
to be fair i like being me lol, its never boring. i guess ppl dont appreciate me as a friend cos im always there but oh well i dont mind either. :)
My bf the same shows no affection unless he want something only helps if I ask him like if ramona or Amy needs ther nappy changed he'll do it but only if asked. All he does is sort about on comp and play games and stuff I cook clean shop and look after kids
oh bless you, fortunately my OH does loads thank god its just the emotional stuff. Hes been better lately coz i spoke to him a couple of times about it so think he realises Im not always as strong as he thinks I am. Its getting better think he appreciates the amount I do and I do appreciate the amount he does. We're moving house so Im sortin everything until hes off work for the move and getting lots done so he appreciates it.

I cant imagine how hard it must be to do everything especially with 2 kids xxx
It's not to bad when u get into a rottine ramona sleeps at night so I'm not up every few hours, he does watch Amy when I go shopping I take ramona, he struggle to understand ramona when she cries he goes thru everything and stuff he gets upset coz he doesn't know, some days he can be alright but other days he can be an ass lol but I suppose that's most men lol
yep and I found at first my OH couldnt do right for doing wrong...if he didnt do it like me then it was wrong in my eyes then I had to let go and let him get on with it. I still say "right when you go to the car dont turn your back on him he's a runner" and "right when you go shopping put him in the trolly coz he will run off and dont turn your back on him as someone will steal him". My child is 2.5yrs and my OH has had to put up with that for that long and just smiles! Honest this says more about me doesnt it than it does about him!!!! Yep, Im a loonie :)

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