well theyre odd to say the least since i dont really know how to panic....everything seems to slow down and my mind seems to race ahead and take my heart and breathing with it, its strange and disconcerting to say the least.
im just me, it was never an issue til last year really i was quite happy being the weird one. i have lots of superficial friends but no close ones, ppl just use each other in my experience so i never cared about that after high school. just put it down to something i lacked the ability to do. i can be affectionate to my OH as we have sex so not touching him apart from that wouldnt make sense lol and its expected and tho i do feel awkward and silly occasionally when doing it i do enjoy cuddling up with him. last year in work i was having some problems getting on with my manager and colleagues so there were lots of meetings, i got very distressed at every one, i dont deal well with criticism or compliments so id cry a lot at meetings and the regional manager sort of clicked and decided that she thought i had aspergers and it was silly that things were so difficult for me cos we work in care and the staff should be able to understand and deal with it so now i get a kind of allowance for other ppl being upset by my actions or words. i never want to upset ppl, i want everyone to be happy and try really hard to please everyone but sometimes i offend or upset ppl with the way i am lol.