Help omg i feel like i have the devil inside me sometimes when it comes to my o/h he really does try his best sometimes and on occasions i find myself getting so annoyed with him for no reason to me it feels like he is acting so insensitavely when it comes down to the kids or other issues that may arrise and i never use to be this way ie; when i comes down to the bedroom department he is being all lovey dovey and trying to cuddle me etc and i just dont want him all over me so he ends up sleeping on the sofa and i end up feeling really guilty for being so mean to him but i just cant help it. And i feel i know i cant be this way because its hurting him and hurting me to think that i can be like this towards someone who is only trying to love me at the end of the day. sorry if im not making sense or sound stupid in anyway but i need to tell someone and you guys were my first port of call.
thanks for listening.
thanks for listening.