I'm going bald...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Ok I'm not really (I've made DH check for bald patches) but I am shedding loads and loads and loads and loads of hair... Lots more than I did when I had Tia... I was going to put this in the post natal bit but I'm not really post natal anymore :think:

I dyed my hair the other day and when I came to rinse it, so much of my hair fell out that it plugged up the drain :shock: Its really thin and fine as its actually blonde, but its become thinner and finer.

Tia's started to complain about mummy's hair being everywhere and even the poor baby gets covered in it.. Thing is I don't know if its hormone related or its actually from stress... Lots of things have been happening in my life atm, and its been a really sad and difficult time for my family and I, and it looks set to continue for the near future.

I just wanted to know how long on average did people loose their hair after their baby was born? Mine started when lil miss was just a few weeks old, but she's 7 months now and its getting worse... :think:
Hi Luv!

You're in the same boat as me! Mine started shedding a few weeks ago, and there was TONNES of it. I'd run my hands through my hair and dozens of strands would come away! :shock:

I too thought that it couldn't be baby related, because Mhairi was 9 months old (at the time).

I found this, telogen effluvium, on google, and that kinda looks like it might be whats happening to me.

Can you trace a major stress 3 months ago? I split with my Ex for good, and organised Mhairi's Christening. I was also at a very very low point (I'm not classing it as PND, but it possibly could have been).

Good news is that it doesn't result in bald patches! Just general thinning of the hair, which will correct itself.

I remember this happening to me years ago, and the worst thing about it wasn't the hair shedding, it was it growing back in and me looking like a flaming haystack with wee short bits sticking out of partings, at the sides and at the front!

The joys!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Mine is the same... It started a few weeks ago, I feel like its coming out in clumps! I haven't hoovered for a few days as I've not been too well and there's a hair ball on the floor :oops: Don't even ask me about my hair brush!!

I'm a bit paranoid that the side of my head is a bit baldy, more so than normal. I dyed my hair about a month ago, and that was the first time in about 6 months, but I'm sure its not that. I think its hormonal - but then again, mine could be stress related too, as also had a bit of a tough time of it recently.

I am keeping all fingers, toes crossed that we both stop shedding hair (if only it was off my legs etc!!! :rotfl: ) and things in general start getting better :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It's just started happening to me!! :( luckily my hair is quite thick and i'm always wishing i had less of it but LOADS is falling out...it never happened when I was pregnant but I'm assuming it's a post natal/hormone thing!!! (I hope so) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Same here! I actually need to clear out the drain when I've been in the shower :puke: .

Thankfully my hair is quite thick and I even asked my hairdresser about it... he said not to worry as it can take your hair a LONG time to recover from pregnancy! I would like my nice, lush, shiny, grease-free pregnohair back please!
mine's still falling out in handfuls - connor sleeps next to me and ends up with it stuck all over his face every morning :puke:
I didn't lose anything until Stanley was 6 months old, then it came out in handfuls.

Hope it slows down soon :hug:
purple13 said:
mine's still falling out in handfuls - connor sleeps next to me and ends up with it stuck all over his face every morning :puke:

Lil miss ends up with it in her nappy... I swear Im worse than our cats...
I've started to notice mine in the last week or so. The shower is covered in hair everytime I'm in it. When I run my hands through my hair I end up pulling loads out :shock: i use to be like this a couple of years back and OH use to go mad about the hairs in the plug hole.
thank god someone posted about this, i thought it was just me :)
DebbieM said:
OMG I'm scared now after reading this. :shock:

me too! :lol:

usually my hair falls out loads (pre pregnancy) since Ive had James its stayed in....Im touching wood now! Im having it dyed next week so I hope it stays in as hair takes a battering from bleach anyway :? Il soon be posting I have a wig :lol:
When Finn was 4 months, his dark hair dropped out and he got blond hair and I began shedding at the same time.
Squiglet said:
purple13 said:
mine's still falling out in handfuls - connor sleeps next to me and ends up with it stuck all over his face every morning :puke:

Lil miss ends up with it in her nappy... I swear Im worse than our cats...

Mine gets in green bean's nappy too!
It also manages to get in DH's foreskin and i can assure you i don't spend an awful lot of time with my head in that region!
I lose hair loads too, rob's always heving to unblock the bath lol

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