I'm getting desperate!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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I'm at this moment attempting to eat a whole pineapple. I don't even like pineapple that much, and its making my mouth feel funny!

I've got so much pressure down below today its driving me nuts! I constantly think I need to go to the loo when I don't.
This baby needs to come out! :wall:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im sure we're twins! I have just eaten a whole pineapple and now feel :puke: :puke: :puke: I like it aswell but a whole one was just tooo much :lol:

I got that horrid pressure too and I have been in the bathroom so many times today! LOL - after eating all that pineapple I'm sure we'll have good cause to feel like the loo soon!

It really cant be long for you though babe! :hug: :hug: I could be here ages like this yet!!
aw whole pineapple :shock: thats a lot of pineapple
wow you go girl try all that helps :pray:

have you tried massage oils with lavender yet?? lavender is supposed to help start labour
Awww lets hope it works :hug: :hug:

I'm nowhere near pineapple stage yet.

Right now I'm in sticky toffee pudding stage and will upgrade tomorrow to chocolate pud :rotfl:
I've been tweaking for weeks! Not working! It's fun squirting OH though! :lol:
I have read though that contractions bought on by tweaking can be more painful than those occuring naturally!!

I hope this pineapple malarky pays off for both of us tilly! I've spent all day trying to do imaginary number 2's! :oops: :rotfl:
Finally ate it all (apart from 2 chunks that James stole, I was so grateful!!)

I'm not trying that again! It's made my lips bleed for some reason and my mouth feels all prickly :?

It's the first time I've ever eaten a fresh pineapple, only ate tinned in the past.
I didn't even know how to cut one up! Luckily there was a diagram on the label! :rotfl:

It's up there with castor oil for grossness as far as I'm concerned! :lol:
(I've not tried the castor oil by the way and have no plans to go there! :talkhand: )

Not heard of the lavender one before, might have to give that one a go sometime :think:
ouch your poor lips!!!! :(

I read yesterday that people who work in pineapple plantations have to wear protective clothing as it can damage their skin....it seems the innocent looking pineapple is infact quite deadly!

I wish I could tweak my nipples, it just makes me feel sick though so Im not going there! :puke: Ive made no plans for castor oil either. Id be too scared of having the mega poo's in labour and showering everyone :rotfl:

Im having some good BH's right now, every 10 mins or so but they arent painful. I want ouchy ones!!! lol
Awwww.....I hope it works for you hun!! Hopefully not long to go now!! :D

I want to log on tomorrow and see a post saying 'muppetmummy has had her baby!!!!! ':cheer:
Sherlock said:
Right now I'm in sticky toffee pudding stage and will upgrade tomorrow to chocolate pud :rotfl:

:shakehead: Im soooooooo jealous!! I cant have anything sugary :cry: ....she says after eating a whole pineapple :oops: Im sure that must've been worse than eating a big fat piece of chocolate cake?! In my defence...pineapple is natural sugar! :?
You're not missing anything with the nipple tweaking, it just makes them sore and doesn't seem to do much :)

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