I'm finally giving up expressing!


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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I haven't expressed today or yesterday. My boobs are sore but it's a bit of a relief not to have to express to be honest :oops:

I expressed all of DD's feeds (over a litre a day!) until she was 5 months old, then expressed 5 out of her 6 feeds for another month, then dropped to only expressing 2 feeds a month ago (gradually, not all at one time, otherwise my breast would have exploded :rotfl: ). My Christmas present to myself is stopping. I feel bad - I know it's what's best for her. But I hate expressing and always have so it's just time to stop. I have enough frozen that we can continue to give her a bottle a day for the next month by which point she'll be just under 9 months.

So this is a kind of pointless post but I just really wanted to tell someone.
I don't think it's a pointless post at all - I wish I had a medal to give you. Huuuuuuuuge well done for doing it for this long because it's a massive achievement :hug:
You have done amazingly well to express bm this long!!! you should be so proud of yourself!!!!!!! :hug: It must be bloody hard work!
Well i gotta say hun you have done a fabulous job expressing all this time :clap: :clap: :clap:
I for one certainly wouldnt have been able to do it.

Dont feel guilty you have given your daughter a fab start and you should be so proud :D
I think you've done amazingly :hug: I bitch and moan about having to do it once a day to the point where I end up doing it once every three days :oops: I cannot imagine keeping going as long as you have. I think you deserve a well earned break and end to the expressing :hug: :cheer:
I hate expressing and have nothing but 100% admiration for you!!! You have done an amazing thing hun, and should feel incredibly proud of yourself.
:clap: Well done for getting so far...don't feel bad...you should feel proud! :D
Well done you! you've done brilliantly!
Well done thats a huge achievement you should be so proud of yourself.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Bloody hell! Well done!! Thats amazing to have expressed that long, i hated doing it, breastfeeding is hard enough but having to spend the time expressing then the time feeding it to LO wow your a saint!! :D :cheer: Welldone!
:clap: :clap: well done! Getting to 9 mths expressing is a fab achievement and like has been said you deserve a medal! I wonder if anyone else has ever expressed all LO's feeds for so long :think: it could be a world record!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I would have quit long ago. Expressing for me is painful, time consuming and really emotionally depressing. I can spend an hour expressing and get just under an oz... :(

So to do it for 9 months... :shock: Remember, you might feel guilty but a) most mothers don't even breastfeed that long in the first place, and b) most hardened bfing mothers would have quit in the same circumstances.

What an amazing start you've given your LO... well done... :clap: :clap:
I remember you mentioned stopping a while ago and even then you had done soooo well so you've done amazing to get to here also :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Its best for you and your lo has already benefitted greatly so well done, :hug: :hug: xx
kalia, I think you're amazing, and am in complete awe of your achievement - you really are a very special lady!

Really well done, you have done brilliantly!

Valentine Xxx
Aww, thanks everybody :oops: You've made me feel really good :D
You should feel good! It's a great thing to have done and your LO will have benefited hugely! Good for you!
i exclusily expressed for 4 weeks (with me crappy hand pump)and you deserve a medal hon!

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