Won't take a bottle!


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Hey ladies

Just wondered if anyone had an tips please? LO is exclusively bf and I'm keen for her to have the odd bottle of expressed, for a few reasons really...mainly so OH can have a go, also to give me a break sometime as she's cluster feeding a lot and also so I can pop out to hairdressers (for example)

Anyway she just wont take a bottle of expressed....have tried avent, TT, Dr Brown....different flows of teat, different times of day, different people giving her it, same time of day and she just won't have it! (try every day)

It's so frustrating as I do want to continue bf her exclusively but would just like the option of expressing a bottle so I can have a break......I'm exhausted!

Thanky :) xxx

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Oo I need help on this too lo gags with it. anyone know any tactics?
Have you tried a different type of teat, Latex to silicone? I found my son took well to latex after I struggled so long to get him to stop dripping all his milk down his front. He ended up on standard neck bottled the cheap kind as he had a little mouth and couldn't cope with the bigger bottles have you tried these or a different textured teat material x
Oooow no I havent heard of them! She just pushes it out with her tongue and spits the milk everywhere!

Thanks chick where do u get them from? X

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You can get standard neck bottles from pretty much anywhere hun, asda, tesco, boots. Latex teats are harder to find for standard neck bottles though. You can get griptight ones from their website or certain pharmacys. If all else you could try NUK bottles they have latex teats too :)

I did get some latex teats from tesco but I can't seem to get them anymore alwasy sold out :(
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Brill thanks hun I'll have a look! :) worth a try.....have already spent a fortune trying different bottles/teats so a few more cant hurt lol x

Thanks chick xx

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What about a cup or spoon? Midwife suggested that to me and he will take a spoon very slowly!
Oscar was ok with the TT bottles, then he refused those, then he was ok with the breastflow bottles... eventually he rejected all bottles lol But the breastflow he got on with the best for the longest amount of time!
Do you warm the milk up? I found NUK teats he liked the best, struggled with the other ones but I persevered and we got there.
I posted the exact same thing awhile ago. Arthur took bottles until 10 weeks then started rejectig them. I'm afraid to say nothing worked and my baby still doesn't take a bottle. Sorry :( xx
Ive tried the milk at room temp and warm and she still faffs the little monkey!!

Ive ordered a NUK bottle so hoping that will work, if not looks like we're stuck.......like I say its not about stopping bf-ing....its more about having the option :) xx
Same for me. I was exhausted just wanted hubby to do a feed with expressed milk! The way I see t now is that I'm sure I'll miss bf once I stop, so guess I'm just trying to
Enjoy all of it - even at 3 am! X

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