I'm finally enjoying it AT LAST


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Well i've been thinking alot over the last couple of days about when my little man arrives, seem as i know its not long AT ALL now. :shock:

With everyone having their babies and being in labour something has finally made me enjoy being pregnant and guess what i feel great, like the best i have felt all way through this pregnancy. I have loads of energy, everything is sooooo organised in my house and i feel like i'm no longer looking for labour signs. It will happen when my little man wants it to happen and i feel like there is no rush at all for him to come out just yet.

I know i sound mad to some of you, who are desperate to have your LO's ( and i hope you get them soon)
But right now for me i dont mind being pregnant for that little extra time ( might change my mind if i go past DD :D )
I feel strange feeling like this, i have not enjoyed being pregnant this time round and here i am in the last weeks loving it :D
:cheer: Good for you!! Knowing pot luck (very well), I bet now you've written this your little guy will arrive :lol:

I feel the same! Although I don't particularly LIKE the discomfort of being pregnant, I love the fact I am carrying my daughter and nurturing her - without the screaming and nappy changing :D

That's great hun. Make the most of it while you can because you never know when LO will decide to make an appearance. It could be tomorrow!
Good for you Sara. We should all take a leaf out of your book! :D

You are so right, your LO will emerge when he wants to... and I have even heard many women saying they miss the closeness of having baby inside. So it IS something to enjoy.

:cheer: I remember saying this when I was pregnant and everybody saying I was mad, they couldnt wait to pop etc. and I could of happily stayed preganant longer! I LOVED being pregnant, I know Im mad lol. I missed my bump so much after having Lily I still have bump envy :shhh:
Good for you!

I remember remeniscing over what it was like to have DS in my bellly a few months before I found out I was PG again. I was thinking how wonderful it was to have a little person inside me and how lucky I was to have been able to mould my DS into the fabulous boy he is now....I keep trying to remember those thoughts especially on bad or difficult days.
I'm glad you're enjoying it hun! I'm not enjoying the last bit so much but I have stopped looking for things to happen now. I think it's so upsetting when you're constantly looking for signs and nothing to happen! I'm gonna enjoy my last days without a newborn to contend with now :lol: even though I want to meet her.
Its great your feeling so positive and as you say your LO will come when he wants to so make the most of the rest of your pregnancy :hug:
It's great that you are enjoying it and feeling so great- but you know the law of sod will now dictate that the baby makes an appearance any day now! :lol:
I wish I felt like that too...

I'm not particularly enjoying it much but I know i'll miss it once it's over.......typical me, never happy :wall: :wall:
I enjoy it a bit more now, cause baby kind acommunicates a bit more and wiggles about, i just have this extreme sense of excitement.

All our babies will be so loved....


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