i'm confused...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2008
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my fiance and i have been trying for a baby for nearly a year now. i had a miscarriage at christmas and then nothing since. my period was then a week late and i had plenty of symptoms such as really bad nausea, constipation, indigestion, fatigue and sore breasts. i took a test a few days ago which had a very faint positive line (i think- it was a greyish line rather than pink, but was definatly there and not a shadow) i have done 2 more tests to make sure but they are both negative then friday i thought my 'period' showed up as heavy as normal but it only lasted one day. im still having lots of symptoms- really bad nausea, feeling faint, big appetite, sore breasts, bloated stomach etc. my tummy also hurts because it feels really heavy (if that makes sense). my friend, who has a baby and a bit of a medical backround, felt my stomach yesterday because it was all hard. she said my womb felt really swollen and it felt as if i was a few weeks pregnant. she pressed just behind my pubic bone and it hurt, she said it shouldnt hurt unless im pregnant (or theres something wrong). i feel really rough at the moment, i've had a little more bleeding but its been very very light and pink. what do you think the odds are that i am pregnant after all? im still not getting any more positive test results

please help

suzie xx
hmmm its a tough call if your not getting + tests i'd say to wait a few days then test again :D i hope you are :pray:
I would ask your GP for a blood test to rule it in or out.
I would tell a little fib to your doc and say the line was faint pink and dont mention grey.
dont want to sound silly, but what does it mean if its grey?
That the test gave a false positive, called an evap line, but we also see pink false positives too.
i would avise that you go to your gp and ask for a test aswell - not sure about your surgery but theres a wmidwife based at mine so maybe you could see her instead of cant get a doc apt?

Ive just poted in another thread about my best friend who has had the dark blood on and off for a few weeks and she justr had a scan and shes 9 weeks pregnant!

Lots of luck to you

Abi :dance:
went to the doctors yesterday. he said he is 90% sure i'm pregnant. i have to take in a first thing in the morning urine sample on monday to be sent to the lab, will get the results tuesday. fingers crosses :pray: :pray:
also OH said this morning that he is now definatly ready to be a dad and that he wants us to try whatever it takes for us to have a baby :dance: :cheer: I'm so happy. just need that all important positive result now :pray:

thanks everyone for your support. i feel really welcomed :hug:
xyz4u said:
Possibilities can be there. But you should get it confirmed by visiting a doctor and get certain check ups.

I'm sure youre just spamming :think:

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