Im bored of waiting


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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huff, i want some action maybe a belly or a scan with do everything is taking forever!!!

Also I had a mild asthma attack last night so have to take predesoline, I hope it doesnt harm petals growth in any way, Asthma sucks!!!

Also my friend on msn just asked me if im up the duff, i didnt say no I just said i had a blurgh sign on my msn because of flu eek!!! I WANNA TELL PEOPLE! but even after 12 weeks im only tell friends when I get to 16 weeks!
I hope your asthmas's better today :hug: :hug:

I know what you mean about waiting for something to happen. I just feel really ill at the moment and still haven't heard from the midwife.
It was a lot easier finding out at 11 weeks last time cos I missed this boring bit and went straight onto the scans and blood tests. Im glad I'm on holiday this week cos I think I'd have to phone in sick otherwise. I'm sure I didn't feel this ill last time, feel really tired and sick :puke: :puke:
I knwo i just feel like a whinging mare! 27 I should be having fun and going out instead a night in on the sofa with a glass or Orange and hollyoaks sounds more my thing...

Am I sad? go on be honest

lol hollyoaks rocks :D
i no what you mean though im dying for a alcoholic drink just a small wkd or something but i no i cant hubbys being good though he aint drinking either.
the only people ive told is my mother her bloke and my father he has promised not to tell anyone till i give the say so.
i keep nearly telling people though but after what happened last time im very scared about cursing myself!!!
i live away from all the family so i dont see them much going to go see them all in a couple of month with my huge bump lol and see what they say :D
manda xx
Not at all! I'm 26 and I couldn't face a night out right now. I'm too tired to even watch telly in the evening, just want to sleep :sleep:

Haven't missed drinking at all, the thought of it makes me feel ill. Normally I like a glass of wine or two of an evening while I'm watching the tellybox. Not drank anything at all alcoholic since before I concieved
God could u imagine a handover whilst preggo? how awful would that be??!
aww Sharne honey, it does seem to take forever to get there doesn't it?

I am going to Alton Towers at the weekend with my OH and loads of friends. I don't know how I am going to hide that I am pg. We are staying over Saturday night and meant to be going drinking. Then I can't go on any rides on Sunday. They're not daft. I just hope noone asks us outright.

I can't wait to tell them, but I just want to make sure first.
I love Alton Towers! I went there when I was about the same stage of pregnancy as I am now the first time and went on all the rides :shock: I had no idea I was pg, I wouldn't do that now, feel far too ill this time around

Maybe you should invent some kind of illness that would stop you going on the ridea and drinking. What about an ear infection? That can affect your balance, could that be a reason for avoiding rides? You could say you're on antibiotics so can't drink
Hi girls i know what you mean about waiting i don't have a scan until beginning of Oct so i have a month to wait! What am i going to do until then. As for going out and drinking i have not really missed that yet.
well, luckily, I have got antibiotics this week because my mozzy bites got infected, so I have that covered I think...I can show them my bandaged leg to convince them....not sure about the rides though. Might say I am too scared :D
I have to take antibiotics too, I thought that would affect the baby...

opps just realised I need to eat something...

I wanna go alton twoers too :(

No don't you go on those rides, thats going to be hard not too tough, i love the oblivion!! Infact i feel i've just gotten off it lol!

I got dragged on nemsis on a work team day and I spent the whole ride swearing at my boss :oops: I would have just been pregnant too :shock:
aww, why can't I work for a company that takes you to Alton Towers on team days :x The best team day I ever went on was a junk drumming workshop, pants in comparison!
Sharne said:
I have to take antibiotics too, I thought that would affect the baby...

opps just realised I need to eat something...


apparently there are two types of antibiotics that are ok to take during pg. I am on Amoxycillin which doc assures me is ok. Can't remember the other type.
muppetmummy said:
aww, why can't I work for a company that takes you to Alton Towers on team days :x The best team day I ever went on was a junk drumming workshop, pants in comparison!

lol, sounds like our staff training days. My hubby's company took them to Disney Land Paris!! We get a day in the staff room with a guy who loves Power Point! :bored:

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