I'm booked in for a section!

LucyBee said:
Awwww! Thank you all for your lovely posts! I feel better already!

Weight-wise, his estimated weight was 8lbs 11oz and that was last week.

The consultant said his head is ok (97th percentile) but it's his abdomen that's almost off the scale completely he's such a little chub!

Apparently that means he's likely to be broad shouldered and there's an increased risk of shoulder dystocia which is dangerous and they won't risk it.

If I go in to labour naturally before the 22nd then they will let me have a go on my own so keep your fingers crossed girlies!

L xx

my nephew is in the 97th percentile..... he was born at 10lb 2oz...
I think 10lbs 2oz would be manageable but his abdomen is way over the 97th percentile. It's almost off the chart completely! :shock:
LucyBee said:
gingerpig said:
Was it you who was talking about those hypnotherapy cd's from the NCT? I think they do a c-section one, might be worth a listen?

We did a hypno course Ginger but someone else recommended the CDs and I've still got the link. GREAT IDEA! Thank you so much. I'm going to go and order one NOW!

I got the preparation for hospital CD and it really helped me,(I was sooo terrified a few weeks ago, still scarebut its getting better) I am going to visualise the whole process during contractions and work with my body rather than fear the pain which is what it helps you to do...the booklet with the CD has lots of fab tips too for you and birth partners

Good luck chicken :hug:
Awww hun i know how u are feeling with my 1st baby i laboured for days tried pushing only to then have to have a rushed emergency section which was awful, so when i was told i had to have a planned section for my 2nd baby i really really didnt want one, but as the others as said i told myself whats best for the baby is good enough for me :D

My 2nd section turned out to be the best expreince i have ever been through it was wonderful and over with so quickly, so i know now u are worried and it isnt what u wanted but it will be a wonderful experince im sure hun xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww id be scared too :( but think about it u have a definate date of when u'll be holding ur baby :( im jealous of that haha
sophie27 said:
My 2nd section turned out to be the best expreince i have ever been through it was wonderful and over with so quickly, so i know now u are worried and it isnt what u wanted but it will be a wonderful experince im sure hun xxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:

Music to my ears! Thank you Sophie!

Zoe...I've ordered the CD!

:hug: :hug: Im sure you'll be fine hun, and its good if you go into labour early they'll let you have a go on your own!
You have the best thing of knowing your exact date so you can be fully prepared for baby to come!
I hope it all goes well for you and cant wait to hear your birth story and see some piccies! :hug:
You definitely won't be dissapointed with the CD, it is really good. Good luck.
Isn't it strange the difference between hospital policy....

I went for a scan at my hospital as the Midwife said my baby was big but they wouldn't scan him and said that the reccomended course to take when you are expecting a big baby is to have a trial of labour..... (turned out he wasn't massive though and came out at 8lb 6!)

It sounds like your hospital are on the ball and are taking good care of you. Good Luck with the section I know its not what you planned but the most important thing is your LO.

(best advice I cann give after having a section is to have the changing mat on a surface such as a table as you will not be able to bend down or sit on the floor to change your baby. We have a travel cot with a changing mat on top of it and it has been a godsend!)
I know Lyndsey - it's weird since we've had pretty much the same experience and yet our hospitals have been so different?!

Good advice about the changing. I'll sort that out today as I'm fast getting to the point where I need a wheelchair or a full-time carer to move me around!


Sorry you cant go natural i so badly wanted to and although my section wasnt planned Kiaras head was too big to come out and she was 9 pounds 6 ounces, so after getting all the way to 9 and a half cm for hours they sent me for a section. Its a longer recover but on the brighter side you know you will have you babes by the 22nd :)

Hey Luce! yes it's a pity that chances are you won't be able to have a natural birth, but hayho look on the bright side at least you won't be in agony for hours and then may have to end up having a section anyways! Or worse, having a rip down there...or being cut open!!!!! :shock: NASTY!!!!!
This way you can be more prepared mentaly and also get any last mintue things you may want for the baby.
Hun it will be fine! The main thing is now you know when you'll be able to hold your baba at long last... I can't wait!!!!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
wow lucy!! 22nd january is not far away!!

sorry you can't have a natural birth though :hug:
Oh Lucy I don't envy you one bit. You never know, you may be lucky and get to have her naturally. I'd ask for a second opinion.

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