Booked my c-section! :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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I've booked my c-section for the 17th of August, I'm so nervous!! Anybody had a epidural before and what's the procedure? do they hurt? I've got the worst needle phobia in the world and need re-assuring lol! Good luck to everybody, and sorry for Que jumping! Lol x
How exciting!!!! I've had both an epidural and a spinal, they will prob give you a spinal for an elective csection as you won't need it topping up which is what they can do with the epi. Epi's usually used in labour and topped up as needed and obv if c section is needed. Both are fine but think I think the spinal is slightly better, less risk, easier for them to do. They numb the area so honestly you don't feel any pain, just the tiniest scratch when the use the local to numb the area. It honestly is nothing. As soon as its done you feel a warm heavy feeling going down your legs as it's pretty instant - within 5/10 mins your numb. The test the area with a cold water spray to check you have no feeling where you shouldn't ready for surgery. I get bad shakes when I have my sections but once the baby is born they can give you some morphine which helps loads. If you feel worried at any point in the op just tell the anaesthetist they are there purely to look after you and monitor you all the way through. I found them taking my blood pressure all the way through the op the most annoying part!

Good luck sweetie, you'll be fine :)
Aim also booked for 1 on 6th sept a had spinal a didn't think it was sore at all just bit nippy my csection went fine with me son last time just took me little longer to recovery only thing a didn't like was feeling of being so numb and not been able to do nowt for longer than having baby natural mine fpwas emergency csection this time planned and been told planned go a lot more calmer and better x
Good luck, least it's not long to wait till you meet your little one x
Thanks girlies. Believe me ur re assurin wordsn experiences go a long way lol!! Until then gta b brave tomoz for blood test, i did hav one 12 weeks but for 28 weeks i couldn't actually do it, im ashamed as i kno its for lo but apaulingly that wont kick my needle phobia into gear... sooo gta find courage frm 12 weeks to do it again, i completely hated it!! Sorry bout spellings, not my strong oint aha xx gd luck for all you lovely ladies and bumps.xx thanks again :)

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