Im being selfish but...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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...I am so sick of being pregnant right now. Dont get me wrong, Im glad I am and I wouldnt change it for anything.

I just want to be able to eat without getting really bad heartburn.

I want to be able to do normal everyday things without getting completely out of breath.

I want to be able to wear clothes that dont make me feel huge.

Oh dear... :hug:

Must admit the heartburn is annoying me too, but the gaviscon certainly helps!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry your having a bad day. I have alot of heartburn too and its not nice. Have you tried ice cream? I'm getting addicted to it!
Mmmm ice cream sounds good. Just an excuse to buy a big tub of Ben & Jerrys :lol:

I thought I would at least get to third trimester before I felt like this. If I look at the baby clothes and stuff I've got it makes me feel a bit better cos I know it'll all be worthwhile :)
[quote="x-kirsty-x]I want to be able to do normal everyday things without getting completely out of breath.[/quote]

That is sooooooooooooo me!! The house stairs kill me, utter madness!! I went maternity clothes shopping yesterday, moaned the whole time and for once DH was encouraging me to shop/buy/spend and I didn't want to, I decided nothing fitted me, nothing was comfortable and so forth. Did come home with a few great outfits and shoes though so can't complain but I'm sure everyone has one of those days Kirsty, don't feel bad about it. Were blessed to be pregnant but the romantic images pasted of pregnancy are not always true!! Pamper yourself today and tomorrow you'll feel a whole lot better, promise! :hug:
I had one of thos days yesterday, was going the cinemas and no matter what i put on i felt fat and frumpy, just wanted my flat stomach back.

Heartburn is driving me mad starts about the same time every day, that reminds me i need to buy another bottle of gaviscon! the stuffs a life saver!
:hug: Kirsty sorry to read you are feeling a bit low :hug:

I haven't had the heartburn but sympathise as I can imagine it could be really annoying.

I totally empathise with the breathlessness though. :? I got really out of breath this morning going upstairs to the loo then coming downstairs to sort the washing out! Things I used to do just for granted now take a bit more thought.

Thanks everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:

I feel a bit bad for moaning now, its not like Im the only one who has to go through it :oops:

On a happier note, last night me and OH were lying in bed and LO was wriggling so I was looking at my bump to see if I could see it move and we both saw him kick for the first time so that was nice :)
I was like that yesterday! Went for a walk with the dogs - wouldn't mind but only 20 minutes, but got home and seized up like an old woman. Looked in the mirror and felt hideous. So then went to tesco with hubby, asked him what he wanted to eat, he wanted burgers, I wanted roast beef, but said 'ok, burgers are fine'. Got home, kicked off saying 'I don't want burgers we should've got beef!' and found myself almost nearly crying. Then I had a chicken curry in a mood and felt like ten tonne tessie so went and cried in the bath on my own wishing I had had a roast dinner. What a pathetic mess over nothing. What the hell is that all about I am normally an easy going person?????
And yet today I feel bloody great!
x-kirsty-x said:
Thanks everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:

I feel a bit bad for moaning now, its not like Im the only one who has to go through it :oops:

On a happier note, last night me and OH were lying in bed and LO was wriggling so I was looking at my bump to see if I could see it move and we both saw him kick for the first time so that was nice :)

Aww that's great Kirsty. Definitely something to smile about :D

Awww :hug:

Want some of my happy vibes?

I've had a really crap night but i love being pregs again as this is my last and final chance to be a Mum again.

Really enjoying being pregs through the winter as i can wear all my baggy jumpers :D (with waist-line jogger pants rolled down under ma bump) :D

I'm glad i'll not be a whale through the Summer months, i'll have a new baba to sit in the garden with :dance:
x-kirsty-x said:
...I am so sick of being pregnant right now. Dont get me wrong, Im glad I am and I wouldnt change it for anything.

I just want to be able to eat without getting really bad heartburn.

I want to be able to do normal everyday things without getting completely out of breath.

I want to be able to wear clothes that dont make me feel huge.


im ever so sorry to be the barer of bad news chick - but you will never be normal again. :lol:
Awwww Budge you meanie :)
I am actiually feeling so much more myself having had my little man last week--yes it's different cos i'm now mummy but that's a wonderful thing and for me I'm glad not to be pregnant anymore...don't miss it at all, my piles are gone, i can breath, i can eat ( b/feeding has given me my appetite back)...frankly it's fab :D :D
Maybe you're like me kirsty and it doesn't suit you'll be worth it tho :hug:
That's a great post Jocymum. :D Really encouraging to know there's light at the end of the tunnel ;)

i have had some easy pregnancy?? but i do get backache and get out of breath oh and the cramps..

well maybe not that easy... maybe we just need some sun

don't worry hun :hug:

it will soon pass :hug:

Sorry your having a bad time hun , think we all feel like that at some point.
I dont have heartburn ... yet ,
but i know what you mean about feeling normal, i can barely make it over the baby gate now :? i have a long list of complaints but i look at Kiara and i know it will all be worth it. :D
Hi Kirsty,

Me too :hug: :hug:

I keep getting days like this and it really gets me down. I just want to be normal and do normal things for one day. I know it'll be worth it but i'm fed up on having to be boring and complaining about everyhting, constantly tired and aching!

It sucks more than i could have imagined!


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