I'm being induced...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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on thursday! My consultant gave me a good stretch and sweep today in the hope things will go naturally before but if not I'm in at 8.30am to start things off. I expressed my concern with having a previous c section and an induction and he said I would be monitored constantly and the chances of it happening are very small so I was encouraged by this. I'm gonna go with it and hope that I can give birth vaginally this time! Last time my cervix wasn't ready at all and this time it seems to be doing something at least so it's a good sign! So if nothing happens before I'll hopefully meet my little girl on thursday sometime :D :cheer:
Oooh, good luck, either way it's not going to be long :)
Awwww good luck! everything will be fine! keep us all posted! :hug:
Not long to go :cheer:

Sending you vaginal birth dust :cheer: (Hoping that isn't as gross as it sounds :oops: )
good luck hun
i cant believe ur about to give birth again i can remember our first time round with the boys, i feel like i am being left behind lol.
ill be thinking of u hun
Wow! That's not long to wait at all!! :shock: How exciting!! I'm thrilled for you I really am. I'm so pleased you've finally got a date and that they can induce you and monitor you properly throughout! :cheer:


Glad there is some light at the end of the tunnel, best of luck!!!

Good luck hun, keeping my fingers crossed that things start naturally for you, otherwise good luck for Thursday!! Keep us posted.

Ooh exciting not long before you'll be meeting your LO :cheer: Good luck hun, hope you go naturally before thursday! :hug: :hug:
Fingers crossed that it won't be long and you won't need to be induced!! :cheer:
Thanks for all the good luck's girls! I'm so scared but I know I'll be in good hands this time! I have so many mixed emotions though but I'm so excited to meet my baby girl and I can't wait for it to be over so Aaron can come meet her too! I had a bit of a bleed last night but not much and woke up with brown staining this morning so thinking that the sweep has shifted something. Had bad backache as well but feel fine again this morning so don't think I'll be going naturally now but at least tomorrow we can get things moving! Whatever way she comes I'll just be pleased we're both safe :D Aaron is off to my mum's tonight and I'm gonna miss him so much but he's really excited about going to stay with Nanny :lol: Just hope I can sleep tonight cos if all goes well I'm gonna need the energy!
Good luck tomorrow hun! :) Hope you manage to get some rest before hand and all goes smoothly for you :hug:
:cheer: Good luck for tomorrow. At least you know now that the end is in sight! :hug:

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