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I'm back to tcc


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hello Girls,

Unfortunately I began to miscarry yesterday at 7 weeks and lost my little bean. DH and I are gutted but trying to be optimistic. So I'm back in ttc and hoping my body will get back to normal okay, so we can start trying again soon. I spoke to a doctor in Harley Street this morning who told me I should ovulate again in 2 or three weeks time. I can hardly believe that's true. If anyone is reading this with experience of ttc after a miscarriage please let me know.

OMG Becs :hug: :cry: , i can't believe it. I'm sitting here in work trying to hide my tears for you. :cry:

I absolutely cannot believe it. I'm so so sorry. :hug:

Feel free to pm me if you want a chat. :hug:
Becs, im so so sorry to hear your news. i hope you are doing okay annd that you get well soon.
I had a miscarriage in november last year, and i started ovulating exactly two weeks after. i fell pregnant in the next cycle after that. So stay positive, and im sure that as soon as you feel ready, you will fall pregnant again.

Big hugs and feel free to pm me if you want to chat. x
Becs hun I am really really sorry for your loss. I have commented in your other post but just wanted to tell you. A few years ago my friend had a mc in November and was pg again by January so it doesn't always mean you have to wait months and months to fall again some girls are very lucky and I truly hope you will be one of these. Take care of yourselves.
Thanks for your advice girls, it's all really helpful. I'm feeling really positive now.
Becs xx
so sorry to hear what's happened, I really hope your body gets back on track as soon as possible and lets you start trying soon
Hi Hun,

I'm sorry to hear your news and know how you are feeling.

I miscarried last July and the docs said to wait 6 weeks or so. But they tell you that so you have a cycle so if you do get preg it is easier to date.

However some people say you are more fertile after a loss. I think it may also depend if you m/c naturally or have a D&C. I had to have a D&C as they suspected ectopic. I then had one cycle and got pregnant in september.

So if you feel comfortable trying straight away, go for it. You just can't tell how long your body takes to go back to normal. But there is no harm in trying.

Sorry again :hug: :hug:

:hug: So sorry Becs,

I lost one last year around this time and I waited about 6 months to try again but that was mainly because the first one wasn't planned. The nurses advised me to wait at least one cycle before trying again but there is a woman in my office who concieved the month after having a misscarriage and now has two healthy teenage girls! Its all about how you feel, I think the nurses worry more about letting you get over it in your head before you try again. The problem is if you are anything like me, onece you have got used to the idea that you are going to be a mom, that feeling never goes away, it's just takes longer to get your little one. Be patient because when it all comes together each day that you get closer to the big 12 week marker becomes even better!!!

Love Evie x (11 weeks and 4 days!! Nearly there :pray: )
:hug: I am so very sorry for your loss :hug:

I do totally understand the disire to TTC as soon as possible, I too was one of thoses who started trying again with a few weeks....But unfortunately it is very rare that we are lucky enough to fall PG again straight away.

I don't want to dishearten you at all, but i feel you need to know that some woman Can take a long time to get back to normal, some woman have periods but don't ovulate which means they can't fall PG until they start ovulating again.

I am now PG again after losing 9th Oct 06 It has taken me until now...and tghat with all the tricks of the trade.... Ok I am older...and I have a history of loss.... But I AM PG again...and delighted...

What I am trying to say is... Don't worry if it doesn't happen straight away...It will happen...I am proof.

Good luck Sweetheart wish you a short stay on TTC and a happy long 9 months of PG SOON ! ! ! :pray: Lv Yvonne xx

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