Hi everyone
I cant believe I'm back here this soon. After my miscarriage in Dec I thought I would never be back but here I am. As some of you may have seen on the TTC board I got my dates mixed up last week and realised that I could already be 5 1/2 weeks pregnant!! Well, after rushing to the Dr's for a blood test it came back today as 1754. I'm not sure if that is good for 5 1/2 weeks and I'm just so scared after my miscarriage when my HCG wasnt high enough.
I cant believe I'm back here this soon. After my miscarriage in Dec I thought I would never be back but here I am. As some of you may have seen on the TTC board I got my dates mixed up last week and realised that I could already be 5 1/2 weeks pregnant!! Well, after rushing to the Dr's for a blood test it came back today as 1754. I'm not sure if that is good for 5 1/2 weeks and I'm just so scared after my miscarriage when my HCG wasnt high enough.