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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hi I know we are usually cheerful and lucky on this board :) And in my few weeks of being here everyone has said their babies have thrived.:D

Unfortunately I will be back on the Trying to Conceive board in a month or so. I had my scan today and although he was a nice size for his 8 weeks, he had no heartbeat :( So I have to have a D+C on Tues :(

The good thing is that my boyf has actually got into the idea of the baby in the last couple of days, and now we are going to see our doctor because we didn't get pregnant for several years. And we are going to start trying in earnest :) I'm so glad that my boyf is getting into it, hopefully we will be back here soon :)
aw im so sorry!

it must be so heartbreaking..its hard to find words to comfort you. i really hope that you can stay positive and try ot to lose hope xx
omg how awful! I'd ask that they check again before the D&C just in case. sometimes a heartbeat isn't present at 8 wks! all the best to you and your family and hope to see you back here soon! :pray: :hug:
so sorry for ur loss hun, good on u for wanting to try again soon tho, i wish u all the luck in the world :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry.

I really can't imagine how you must feel but Good Luck with everything. :hug:
Im so sorry for your loss hun, its such a tough thing that you are going through. If u want to talk about anything or need any support then please feel free to PM me.

Take it easy & get some rest, my thoughts are with you & your boyfriend x :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun I am really sorry for your loss.

I really hope you are back with us soon.

Again Im reallly sorry If u do want someone to talk to please feel free to email or pm me.

Sending hugs your way hun.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
im so sorry hun. will they be giving you another scan to make sure on tuesday. im glad you are staying positive and i hope you all the best in the future.

Really sorry to hear your news. It's a heartbreaking situation. A similar thing happened to me in April.

I would have a double check though before you go in for the D&C, even if it's just a one percent chance of seeing a heartbeat, doctors do make mistakes, they're only human! It happened to my sister, and her daughter is now 10 years old! I waited til I started to miscarry naturally and then had a D&C, just so that I knew for sure in my mind.

Thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope to see you back in Tri 1 soon x
oh hun im so sorry, i had the same thing i went for my 12 week scan but there was no h/b it was horrid. I wish you all the best and im here if you ever want to chat :hug:
wishing you all the best but like others have said, make sure if you can have another scan on tuesday just to make sure.. you never know! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry honey. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I agree with the others, try for another scan just to be sure. xxx

Take care of yourself. :hug:
Hi all :) sorry I've not got back to all your lovely replies before, I was at my boyf's and the internet cut off :x

Thanks for all your replies, and we are definitely having another scan before we let them do anything.

I like to read your stories, and on TTC board, where some people get pregnant again quite quickly :)

The boyf and I didn't think we could get pregnant anyway, so baby Henno was a lovely surprise. Eating all the folic acid and everything now, so even if we have to start again hopefully things will happen quickly and work out. We will go the docs too and see if we need any extra help for the swimmers etc, and nag for it :)

Thanks again everyone :hug:

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