I'm all alone :( update


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Tommo went in for his hernia operation today and i couldnt go with him because of Imogen and lack of transport. So i have been home all day and worrying sick as i hadnt heard nothing until a hour ago. Poor thing was in surgery for 3 hours being done. Couldnt believe it was that long but he was complicated bless him.

But spoke to him a while ago and he was fine, sore he said but said he had a peek and was amazed how differnt 'it; all looked :lol: he might be in for 2 nights though instead of 1 though :( i am missing him so much. I thought i would be fine, but seriously it feels like a huge part of me is missing tonight. Not looking forward to sleeping in a big bed with no one to cuddle! :cry:


He had to stay in again tonight and i actually got too see him which was nice and mil had the kids. Was awful seeing him hooked upto a IV and a drain his stomach, he was in a lot of pain but smiling and sitting up.

But HES COMING HOME TOMORROW!!!! hopfully anyway and hope they dont change their minds.
Steal a teddy from one of the kids!

Aw bless you hun! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Kim x x x x
Awwww poor Tommo, glad he is in getting all fixed up tho!

Hugs to you on the lonlieness - if you cant sleep, I am usually online :hug:
Aww babes if our car was working properly I would have come over and ran you to see him :( I hope the next 2 nights go fast for you, its so horrible being on your own (I have 4 months of it coming up :cry: :cry: :cry: ) :hug: :hug:
awww hun :hug: least u have the kids to keep u a bit more occupied.
tell my fellow town fan to get better soon :hug:
Hopefully i will get to go over there tomorrow night if hes not home, sil will have the kids and i will go over with mil. All i can say is its days like this that i wish i had learnt to drive years ago!

Seriously though - killing me him not being here, goes to show whatgood company and a good hubby he is :D

Kids are asleep - i figure i might clean up too keep busy
aaaah bless him, hope hes home asap for u and he heals up well!!
Glad he is getting home hun, take care of him wont you :hug: :hug:
I cannot wait till hes home and will be taking super good care of him. Just hope hes home tomorrow.

I was hysterical this morning, missing him so much and then the kids getting all upset because daddy hasnt been about.

Going to be difficult because hes had major surgery and is going to be hard making sure hes alright an with lively kids but will manage it!
You'll do just fine babes and he will be happy to be home with you all too :hug: :hug:
Only other thing is though that one of his testicals are damaged, im lucky the one he has works very well! could be childless, very shocked about it all. Just praying they will let me have him home tomorrow where he belongs.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Only other thing is though that one of his testicals are damaged, im lucky the one he has works very well! could be childless, very shocked about it all. Just praying they will let me have him home tomorrow where he belongs.

did that happen as a result of the operation or hernia? Sorry to be nosey

Hope he's feeling better when he's back with you all
Bee said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Only other thing is though that one of his testicals are damaged, im lucky the one he has works very well! could be childless, very shocked about it all. Just praying they will let me have him home tomorrow where he belongs.

did that happen as a result of the operation or hernia? Sorry to be nosey

Hope he's feeling better when he's back with you all

Thats a result of the hernia Bee, he put up with it for 7 years. For the blokes think of your gonads with a hernia in them that was the size of a mango - thats how bad it was. Im glad he had it done though, it was beginning too put a strain on our 'personal' life.
Going to be a while before he manges to do the dirty with me, Im going to go to the local sex sho and invest in some toys. Great that I have the countys largest sex shop on my doorstop :rotfl: :rotfl:

So excited though hes home today, am manically finishing off the cleaning aso its all done in time for is arrival.
I've only just seen this! I am so glad he is back home today hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

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