im a sh*t mum

aw look at all your replies! You are such a good mammy! and Dior loves you loads. I went through a phase like this when I was little. I wanted everyone but my mam and it hurt her feelings but I was just sociable and liked new/different people. One time i said 'I'm going to cut up into loads of little pieces' and really upset her :shock: oops!

try not to take it to heart hun.

I feel like i get addicted to the forum sometimes too. I need to have an allocated time each day to post etc and not keep coming on lots through the day because it saps my time away. but you aren't on here all the time! and you aren't neglecting them!!

I think it's a good idea what everyone said about taking her out somewhere nice xx
girls you are all to nice.

i do feel terrible about Dior and im admiting it
i dont have time for her, we do nothing together my back garden is a pit we are hide n the house all day every day no wonder she sleeps. she screams when i touch this laptop, she is oviously jelous.

this place is just so adictive and i am spending all my time with Harl and just putting her to bed

well i just spoke to NHS direct i have to take a wee sample to the docs about her sleeping they will do some tests, i have to wake her after a 2 hr nap change her diet and if she wont eat her healthy dinner then i am NOT to feed her any thing untill she learns
i need to get her out more baby groups and to mix with other babies ect

and then i need to get to the docs to tackle my problems :? think she was getting at PND :roll:

im slowly distroying mine and my daughters relationship.

and im going to change every thing, just spending a bit more time of the pc

no offence to any one thats posted over 2000 posts lol
but i no i would rather be on her then interact with my daughter
thats why i feel bad
but from today its all changing :D

now im going to wake that lazy monkey shes had her 2hrs!
i often feel guilty hun but im on now asB is asleep if he gets upset im off then

hun could u not take her to a park for 30 mins wen kris can have harley! i really hope u feel better soon coz ur a gret mum hun
cool! i'm going to try and spend less time on here too! I might try to just come on when i'm having my lunch and then maybe once more at around tea time. if i'm strong enough to resist the temptation :D
Dionne, glad you got some good advice.

I'm sure Dior is going through a phase with her moods, you are a great mum. She maybe is just feeling a bit strange now there is another baby around which is normal for kiddies.

You can always bring her to mine with Harl or we can come to you if you wanna see more peeps, we can all got to the park :)
as every one has said you are so not a bad mother otherwise you wouldnt care! all of the things you have said i can relate to myself my little boy was ignoring me and stroppy with me when molly was born it really upset me and i felt so guilty.

and untill now i locked myself in the house the whole day not going out because i was worried how i would cope with 3.

we all know you love your babies i hope things look up for you soon dior will come round.
:) xhannahx

Oooh Dionne you're a fab mum hun, i struggle with Abi on times so can only imagine how hard you are finding it, i was gonna mention PND but looks like it's already been mentioned, not really sure what to say as it's all been said in earlier posts, keep your chin up, don't cut yourself off from this forum as this place helps keep you sain :) i know you've said before that none of your mates have kids so i'm assuming you're feeling a little isolated too, i know you've met some people off this forum not sure how far they live from you or how easy it is for you to meet up but i'll be up your way soon and wont know anyone so i'm sure i'll be feeling pretty lonely so if you fancy meeting and taking the kids out for the day we'll sort something out, i'll have a car so it'll be pretty easy to travel :) keep your chin up mate x x
I've just seen this and can't believe that you think you are a bad mum, of course you're not!!!

I admire you the way you bring up 2 babies, I couldn't do it. You come here for advice and to chat to other mums, at least you're not out clubbing every night!!

I think we all feel like bad mums at times but we all try our best and love our children. You have loads of friends on here and you are well liked there's no wonder you spend so much time on here. :D
us mums need a break sometimes, and i dont read much so this is a great way of getting my mind of stuff, i know this isn't the latest greatest novel but it keeps me happy, try and re strict yourself to the evening or maybe when litle ones are sleeping, i used to run ragged around the house trying to get everything done but im near to exhaustion, so this is my time out, your not a bad mum, i think your great, i had a wicked step mother once :twisted: she was a bad mum!!!!!!!!!!!! take care xxxxxxxxxx

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