aw look at all your replies! You are such a good mammy! and Dior loves you loads. I went through a phase like this when I was little. I wanted everyone but my mam and it hurt her feelings but I was just sociable and liked new/different people. One time i said 'I'm going to cut up into loads of little pieces' and really upset her
try not to take it to heart hun.
I feel like i get addicted to the forum sometimes too. I need to have an allocated time each day to post etc and not keep coming on lots through the day because it saps my time away. but you aren't on here all the time! and you aren't neglecting them!!
I think it's a good idea what everyone said about taking her out somewhere nice xx

try not to take it to heart hun.
I feel like i get addicted to the forum sometimes too. I need to have an allocated time each day to post etc and not keep coming on lots through the day because it saps my time away. but you aren't on here all the time! and you aren't neglecting them!!
I think it's a good idea what everyone said about taking her out somewhere nice xx