im a dafty


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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why am i waiting up for the washing machine to finish its cycle. Its not my work clothes im waiting for to put in the tumble dryer. Meanwhile he who the work clothes belong to is giving it big zeds upstairs.

He only got the appointment card for the snip, he hasnt bloody had the procedure.
:rotfl: :rotfl: Bless him!! No doubt he'll be feeling very sorry for himself without his "manhood" in working order! So get used to the pampering! lol x
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: the thought of its made him queasy!
i remember when my dad had the snip- he deffo looked a bit green round the gills
when he got his appt!! bless him!!
dannii87 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: Bless him!! No doubt he'll be feeling very sorry for himself without his "manhood" in working order! So get used to the pampering! lol x

as I told him, the cat was fine after the snip and so will he be. But he wont have to wear a big white collar.
do a DIY snip on him.. or threaten it... lol.

Bless ya! If it makes you feel any better my OH could never work my mums washing machine and he seems to think the magic washing fairy will do it all!
its done. Im away to unload it and get to bed. Ive work tomorrow :roll:

thanks for your replies, even at this late hour your humour is sharp. :rotfl:
lets just hope he doesnt suffer like my ex did :rotfl:

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