If only eh! (Eastenders)

Londoner Claire

Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Tanya was in labour one minute and Max delivered her baby at home the next. He looks a few weeks old too. Only in soaps eh!
Haha me and Natalie&jake were just laughing about it.

Its amazing, one tiny squeeze and nice clean baby come popping out. Good job Max could play cricket eh!
OMG it's you! 6 months old already, I can't believe it!

I remember when you were pregnant. I hope it's going well. :D

Very clean baby that, no blood or water anywhere, miracle! They let their daughter name him as well. Oscar, eek! Sounds like a pet. There was an Oscar in Eastenders years ago, the old hairdresser, remember?
Hiya :wave:

Yeah 6 months already, it goes so fast, its all going well thanks :D

I know i dont think i could call my child that, sounds like a dog or a seseme street character lol. I dont remember their being an Oscar in Eastenders :think:
Flame said:
Hiya :wave:

Yeah 6 months already, it goes so fast, its all going well thanks :D

I know i dont think i could call my child that, sounds like a dog or a seseme street character lol. I dont remember their being an Oscar in Eastenders :think:

Yeah Oscar from Sesame Street, I knew I'd heard it from somewhere. At least he's fictional, well his name anyway eh!

Oscar wasn't in it all that long. I can picture him but can't think how to remind you. May Google. :D
i knwo and how clean was max lol im sure he shud of being covered in all sorts :puke: and the pushing was ridiculous, my labour was only 2hrs 20 mins but i still had more than 1 push lol

Heard Tanya dies, hope not. Max couldn't cope on his own. Mind you he wouldn't waste any time with a replacement, he's awful!

I just remembered, my sisters guinea pig is called Oscar! lol
Why does the name pscar remind m e of a sealions name? hmm...

yeah and notice how she kept her dress on come on!!!!

LOL Macaulay said to me 'why is he so clean and so big already?'

Then I had Jordan asking 'Did it come out of her lady garden mum?' :? ............erm yes sweetie, but erm.....well yes :rotfl:
yeah, and she said her waters had broken but did you see a big wet patch when she turned around????? bah!

and she didn't poo, and there was no gunk all over the floor.........yeah right! :lol: :lol:

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