If no BFP this month....


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Weve decided all the tracking of BBT, CM, CP etc etc is out the window........

Ive stopped temping, Im so chilled out about it all atm Im hoping this will carry on till next month if we end up BD'ing again....

DH suggested we just chill and try a different approach next time and see what happens!

He said we should have a night out, get slaughtered, (we dont drink) BD once and hes sure it will happen lol!

I cant believe how calm I am, not even the slightest incling to test (even though Im only 7dpo), but complared to this time last month I was obsessed everytime I went to the netty!! lol

So who knows........testing next Thurs so we will see.....

Good luck everyone and Id love to see a string of BFP's like the March testing thread had......

Good for you Wilma! Sounds like a good approach and I'll be there with you if I don't get my BFP this month.

I feel a bit more relaxed this month too but I'm only 1DPO so there's still time....

But I've got a lot going on these next couple of weeks so hopefully will remain calm!


lol my OH says that too, go out on the razzle and it should happen, happens for all those one nighters lol

its good that youve chilled about it, im kind of getting there today, ive gave up testing at the moment even tho im 18 days late lol xx
Yep SPC ask me this time next week if Im as calm lol but fingers crossed I can contain myself and the whole testing thing!! Good luck mrs xxx
Ah em I would be up the wall if I were you so good for you for being able to chill out a while.....fingers crossed tho that you do get your BFP this month.....xxx
Good for you Wilma! I hope some of your chilled vibe rubs off on me! :-) Xx
Good Luck ladies lets have lots of December BFP's please and then you get lots of family time at xmas
Thanks ladies.....well its DH 40th Birthday tomorrow so were having some friends and family for a get together tomorrow evening so even might have one or two little ones to celebrate....lol!!! Good luck everyone xxx
Your hubby might be right about the drinking! Maybe that's how all these underage girls get up the duff!
Good for you, and good luck, I can't tell you the amount of times I have thought about starting to smoke in the hope it will help me get pregnant - I havent yet though lol
Good lukc Wilma. Every time I have fallen pregnant has been a month I haven't used the monitor etc....and this month we were all ill with norovirus so only BD'd once in over 2 weeks and I got my BFP so I reckon ur hubby might be onto something!!! xx
Had to reply to this. It took me and my DP over a year and a half to conceive. We were in the process of starting IVF and I was having all the tests done etc ready to start and we actually managed to conceive naturally. I truely believe we did it because we had stopped trying so hard and the pressure was off for us during that month because we had resigned ourselves to the fact we needed IVF.

Anything is possible, and trying to relax and 'go with the flow' really does help.

Just wanted to give some hope to all your TTC girls and wish you all lots and lots of luck xx
Thanks Bwakeling, Mrsmc, Pippa, Karen and RAF mrs....Im def taking all your advice and hoping by chilling out a bit more if we havent already managed a BFP this time then hopefully next time ehh!!!

Im not even symptom spotting either in this 2ww....just going with the flo and keeping busy with other stuff....also going to try and just wait till AF late before I start to get excitied and test....although I may crack and test thursday!!

Fingers crossed for us all still in the march and april thread xxx

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