If I could ever be of any help...

Hi Kieran,

I'm nearly 16 weeks pregnant with my first baby and was wondering if you had any advice on what to do about heartburn?

I have had it on and off since about 8weeks but for the last 2weeks it has been rearing its ugly head every evening (sometimes before I eat dinner) and it goes on until I fall asleep. It keeps me up at night and sometimes is so bad it makes me feel like I am going to be sick. Can I take heartburn tablets or might it harm my baby?
If not tablets then what can I try?!!
Hi!!im jenny and 20 years old. Im sorry to bother you, but im very confused at the moment. I came off the pill in March. I had a period 6 weeks later (i knew this was because my body was getting back to normal) then i had a period two weeks after that on the 4th May. Now nothing for over 5 weeks. Ive had pregnancy symtoms, and i thought my period was coming when it should have, i had achy abdomen, sore boobs, but nothing!!!im getting bloated very quickly when i eat food now and go from hungry to not wanting to eat, and feeling sick every now and again. Is it possible i am pregnant, but ovulated later than i should have cos my body isnt back to normal yet? ive tested, but up to now still negative. Please help me, im getting down when im so sure im pregnant then i get a negative :(
Hiya, Me again

Just wondered it it a worry that I ahvent had my blood test results back, I had them at 11 weeks then at 15 week appointment my midwife couldnt find them. And just said the hospital probably had them and will give me them on my 20 weeks scan. She seems like shes in another world half the time and doesnt really know what to say etc. So shes made me feel a little worried now, I had all of the tests done. Is there anther way for me to get my results as they seem to be floating around somewhere?
Cat x
for the past 24 hours, i keep getting very strong dragging feeling in my pelvic area, no pain, but it feels like everythings going to fall out, i never had this before on my other 2, only right at the end when there heads where going down getting ready.

I don't know really :? I think it would be best you see your GP. Sorry it has taken me a couple of days to reply for a crap response :(

Good Luck...let me know what you GP says :)

Hiya s

I think the blood test can be pretty conclusive as it directly measures the HCG in your blood...the repeat test just shows if it is increasing, which it will do if you are pregnant.

Relax, enjoy the sunshine (it's lovely here) and you never know, you might just get what you are looking for :D


Hiya Bubbleone

I'm nearly 16 weeks pregnant with my first baby and was wondering if you had any advice on what to do about heartburn?

The best thing to use is Gaviscon..they now have an extra strength one. the reason for the heartburn is that whilst your womb gets bigger it pushes your stomach and other internal organs upwards, this means it is beginning to press on your tum - causing reflux. One of the nagging symptoms of pregnancy.

gaviscon whether fluid or tablets shouldn't harm the baby :D

Take Care

Hiya Catherine

it is a bit of a worry that your midwife seems so disorganised (do you think she is pregnant too?? lol) Don't worry too much about your blood results, sometimes accessing the labs isn't always that easy, and they take a while to be sent to the midwife. If at you 20 week scan you still don't know your results, then push for some answers.

I'm sure they will crop up :D

Take Care

Hiya trevinosbaby

I have quoted from an article I read a little while back that may help :D

Backache is very common in pregnancy. Half of all pregnant women can expect some back pain. Your ligaments will become softer and stretch to prepare you for labor. As the baby grows, the hollow in your back may increase and this may cause you backache. Also, due to the increased weight, the muscles in your back may have to work harder to support your balance, resulting in increased lower back pain. About half of all pregnant women complain of backaches. Fortunately, there are lots of simple strategies you can use to ease the pain.

Tips to Prevent and Treat Backache During Pregnancy

1. Exercise. Sticking to an exercise program can solve a lot of your worries. Find out from your doctor what abdominal and back strengthening exercises are safe for you. Also, find out how long you can maintain your regular exercise program.

Swimming, for example, may be an excellent way to keep fit and relieve the stress on your back from the extra pregnancy weight. Water exercises also invariably work out the trunk muscles, as you use them to balance yourself while floating weightlessly.

2. Proper Picking up Posture. Remember, when picking something up from the floor, bend your knees and keep your back straight. Always lift with your legs, never your back, keeping the heavy object close to your body at all times.

You can also try kneeling down on one knee with the other foot flat on the floor. Get as close to the renegade object as you can.

3. Don’t Be A Sitting Duck.Improper sitting positions will make you an easy target for back pain. Be sure to sit with your back straight and well supported. When you are seated, tuck a small, firm cushion in the small of your back. It will give you support and help relieve the aches you experience after you have been sitting for a while. Make sure that your chair has a straight back, arms and firm cushions.

When sitting, try not to cross your legs. This can aggravate your back pain and compromise the circulation in your extremities.

4. Showing Style. High-heeled shoes are so before-you-were-pregnant. Word to the fashionista: because of the extra weight you’re carrying, you’ll want to pack away uncomfortable footwear. Think flat, simple and comfortable.

5. Sleeping Arrangements. A firm mattress will help relieve your back pain. If you don’t have a firm mattress, put a piece of hardboard under your current mattress.

Lying on your back puts 55 lbs. of pressure on your back. Placing a pillow under your knees cuts the pressure in half. Lying on your side with a pillow between your knees also reduces the pressure.

6. A Pillow is the Answer. Try a pregnancy pillow. These popular full-body pillows provide great support for your head, shoulders, abdomen and legs. They promote healthier circulation and can reduce head, neck and back pain. These special pillows soothe aching muscles and also ensure proper spinal alignment. After the arrival of your baby, lie back and use it as a nursing pillow.

7. Wear a Support Belt. A pregnancy support belt gently lifts the abdomen without squeezing and encourages a more erect posture. Proven to be safe, these popular belts can dramatically reduce or even eliminate lower back pain caused by the strains of pregnancy. These belts are comfortable and fully adjustable.

8. Pamper Yourself. While a birthday lets you be "Queen of the Day," pregnancy means people will tolerate you lavishing yourself with tender loving care for a whole nine months. Pampering yourself, even if it’s just getting more rest, can mean reduced back pain.

Ask your partner or a friend to massage your back—remember though that some aromatherapy oils can be dangerous for the baby. Instead, use some baby oil to rub your aches away. Also, make sure you get enough rest, especially later on in your pregnancy. Lastly, try not to stand for long periods of time. If you have to, keep one foot up on a stool with your knee bent to prevent strain on your lower back.

9. About Weight Gain. Don’t gain more than the recommended amount of weight. Nine months of carrying extra weight gain will take its toll on your back. If you’re already a bit over the suggested gain, be sure to make up for it with added rest.

As far as your period and dating is concerned...i am surprised it didn't pick up your pregnancy early on..it is more accurate a week after your period as you usually have a significant amount of HCG in your urine by then. if you are concerned request a dating scan from your midwife.

Hope this has been of some use :D

Hiya Jenny

Sorry I haven't got back to you...I've had a busy couple of days!!! :(

Um...with the pill it is a nightmare getting your periods back in sync at best it is usually recommended you don't try to conceive for at least 3 months after you have stopped the pill. This would explain your irractic periods.

As far as your pregnancy symptoms...yes it is possible you are pregnant, however I would advise you see your GP who will probably take a blood test to confirm, I suggest this as it would right now be difficult for you to assess whether or not you have missed a period in view of the irratic nature of them.

If you aren't pregnant, then I suggest you wait until your periods have regulated again before you try (if not leave at least 3 months...which I think it is now anyway).

Hope this makes sense :D

midwife_online said:
If you aren't pregnant, then I suggest you wait until your periods have regulated again before you try (if not leave at least 3 months...which I think it is now anyway).

I keep hearing this, but why? The only reason I have heard is that it makes it easier to work out the dates, which seems administrative rather than medical. Is there any real reason not to try straight away (U/S can sort out the dates eventually)?
Hi Kieran,
Thanks for your lovely message. Enjoying the sunshine is much more important. Thankfully the blood test was conclusive and I'm not pregnant. Very happy with this result as I really didn't want to get off to a bad start with all sorts of worries. I want it to be an enjoyable experience. Giving my head a break for a while and not worrying about it all.If it happens, it happens. If not cest la vie. Have a lovely weekend. Hope you not working.
Hiya Joan

Yes...there is some administrative benefit in waiting 3 months until you try to conceive, but there is amore sinister reason to try and wait...fetal malformations can occur with the hormones the pill leaves in your system...it can take 3 months before you hormones start levelling out..this is the main reason why I suggest 3 months!! :D

Take Care

Hiya s

yes I'm going cycling with my wife this weekend which I have been looking forward to all week. Maybe we can discuss when we will be TTC :wink:

Have a lovely Weekend

Wow are you trying for a baby or considering it? Wow, wow, very exciting.
Yes...we are following the foresight regime at the moment - whole foods only no rubbish...no alcohol, no smoking, no caffiene. get our hair samples tested next month so that we can tell if we are in supreme health to conceive and for my wife to carry :D

I don't know you but I'm so excited for you. I genuinely am. My God you'll have pregnancy overload soon between your job, us and your own personal project. My best wishes to you and your wife.
Let me know what works :wink:
Personal question. Are you having sex when you can or just around ovulation time? Sorry if that was too personal.
PS Sorry I mean are you both charting ovulation? It's just I'm not convinced it's between 12 - 16 days for me as I think I have EW today and my period would only have officially finished yeserday - if that makes sense!!
we haven't started trying yet...so I gues just having sex when we feel like it :wink: we will try once we know our hair mineral analysis is right...if you want more information about the programme we are doing visit:


Once that happens we will probably chart ovulation and go that way :)

midwife_online said:
Hiya Joan

Yes...there is some administrative benefit in waiting 3 months until you try to conceive, but there is amore sinister reason to try and wait...fetal malformations can occur with the hormones the pill leaves in your system...it can take 3 months before you hormones start levelling out..this is the main reason why I suggest 3 months!! :D

Take Care


Thanks Kieren,

Have you got any references for this? I've googled and googled and not found anything solid. Stuff like this but it's harder to find papers that indicate there is a risk.
Hiya Kieran,
Thanks for your advice on my blood tests, I wonder now if its just because I had A- transfusions so I assumed I was A-? I will let you know anyway when I get the results.

I have another question for you which is a bit embarrasing and probably stupid. :oops:
Since starting my second trimester my sex drive seems to have gone mental. I have always enjoyed a normal sex life, not been a raving nymph or anything. Everywhere I read it seams other people are the opposite and go right off sex during pregnancy, but I cant stop feeling horny, my battery operated friend gets used at least once everyday!
Can you tell me is this just a hormonal thing that will calm down? and can I do the baby any harm or cause it distress by keep doing this? I know sex during pregnancy is fine, but is every day a bit to much?

Oh and good luck TTC!

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