If I could ever be of any help...

Hiya S

i don't know if you saw my reply on the 17th May on this thread...I will also pm it for you as people have said they are beginning to get lost as the thread is getting so big...perhaps I should have my own entry in the forum with subject headings??

Anyway...if it isn't quite the answer you want then let me know and I will try to find some more answers for you.

Good Luck
I hope everyone had a lovely bank holiday :D

Beautiful weather where I live, managed to go cycling in the country which has recharged all those batteries again. Keep me posted.

Have set up a vote just for some feedback really in this forum :D

would appreciate it if you could reply

Thanks Girls

Kieren :D
hi keiren
id just like a bit of info plz...
my LMP was 18th may and me and my partner have been doin BD 27th, 30th and 31st... for the past day or so ive had very mild cramp in the bottom of my stomach like b4 a period but nowhere near as bad, ive also been goin the loo a lot...
what wud my chances of pregnancy be i no it wud be too early to tell, but ive never had this b4....
any advice is greatly appreciated.. thanx in advance
hiya Sarah

It is possible...If your LMP was 18th May then conception would happen around 1st-3rd June. Best time to test would be if you missed your next period...or if it was lighter...14th June ish. The symptoms you describe could well be the beginnings of pregancy, but also could be caused by many other things...

Wishing you the best of luck Sarah :D

Thanks Kieran,
I went back to your thread of May 17th and you had answered my query there.
Thank you,
Hi Kieran,
I have to admit to being a little concerned as my period has almost ceased after two days - I normally have a very heavy period that lasts five days. I now just have spotting and had not a trace of blood this morning. The same happened last month only I got to three days and then it really lightened.
Should I go to my GP?
Is it just due to stress? My job is very demanding at present.
Could I be pregnant? I seriously doubt it as I've had clotting.
The other strange thing is that my breasts still feel quite heavy and I felt ill after having caffeine and a drink last night. Might not mean anything though.
Sorry to be a pain asking these questions.
Thanks again,
hi kieren. thank you for being here. m question is "i dont know if i am pregnant" i am late, but just done a test and it say not. i feel like am on. wat do u think all this means. thanks.

Just to say thank you for your advice on my spider veins. It is great to know that they will disappear eventually.

Thanks again!
Hi Kieran,
It's struck me, from surfing this forum, that lots of us seem to have irratic periods. Okay, so a lot of women are coming off the pill - I've never been on it - but would you say that trying to conceive affects your cycle? Perhaps it's because we're so keen to conceive that our period becomes irregular. I don't know. I've never before had a 3 day period.
I thought I'd put this question on because I think it's something that lots of us are puzzled at.
As always thanks very much,
Hi Kieren

You're so kind answering all those questions :)

Got another one for you :oops:

I posted this on another forum so I'm copying it here

"I may be having a thrush or a yeast infection or whatever they call it

I get white vaginal discharge and last couple of days it's been itchy down there.

I'm tempted to use a cream (applied on the outside part of genitals) that I know will help with the itchiness.
On the rare case I'm pg, do you think that will cause any harm?
I read the instructions, they said to be careful when using the cream in a leave-on with a bandage way.

Any help appreciated"

Thank you for any advice

One more thing

Discharge is odorless and not very abundant.

And the cream I'm tempted to use is called Daktodor, by JANSSEN - CILAG.

Thanks again!
Hi Kieran,
I thought it only fair to update you as I've been wrecking your head asking you questions. I went to doc this am. He totally baffled as to why period has gone screwy. Says pregnancy possible. Did urine test. Negative. Mentioned ectopic pregnancy but I in no discomfort. Sending me for blood test at end of week. Very tired today. Had brown watery discharge this evening.
Thanks as always,
Hi Kieran,
I've got a question for you, I don't really know if its your field or not.
A few years ago I had to have some blood transfusions and I remember enquiring at the time to see what blood group I was and found I am A- the same as my mother. So I have been fully expecting to have the Anti D injections.
However, when I saw my midwife the other day and she was going through my file she found the results of my tests which said I was A+! I explained that I didnt think this was the case and she phoned the lab to check into it. I recieved a call later that afternoon asking me to go back to the hospital and have my blook tests again which I did on Thursday. So they could check to be sure.
As I'm sure you can understand this has somewhat worried me that perhaps they mixed my test results with someone elses, which would be that all my downs sydrome tests and everything could be wrong too!
Is there any otherway the tests could have been wrong? Does the procedure they use have room for error and come up as a positive or negative by mistake?
Hiya S

So sorry for not getting back to you sooner...but work has been quite stressful lately.

I'm glad you went to your GP, I would always advise anyone who is worried about their periods to discuss this with their medical practitioner. The blood test he has sent off will be more accurate than a urine test as it will measure the increases in HCG in your blood. You may have to have further blood tests to confirm a diagnosis of pregnancy...especially if its is a likely ectopic....so I wouldn't dismiss pregnancy.

You are right in that stress and diet can play an important part in regulating your periods and can make them heavier/lighter or sporadic.

In truth..I don't know why your periods have become irratic lately, but I hope you manage to get to the bottom of it.

keep me informed...I'm interested to know what is happening. :D

Hiya Babi

hi kieren. thank you for being here. m question is "i dont know if i am pregnant" i am late, but just done a test and it say not. i feel like am on. wat do u think all this means. thanks.

You may or may not have had your period by now and my unswer...as late as it is...may not be of any help to you. There are many things that can affect your period...like that of 's'. If you completely miss a period and haven't been on the pill recently (this can play havoc with your periods when you stop the pill) then HPT is a good thing to try...I know yours was negative, but try again a week later if still no period comes to light. If negative again, then I suggest you see your GP.

Sorry this probably isn't much help :D

Take Care

Hiya Wondering

I'm tempted to use a cream (applied on the outside part of genitals) that I know will help with the itchiness.

And the cream I'm tempted to use is called Daktodor, by JANSSEN - CILAG

It does sound to me as if you have thrush "Candida". Now..there is no risk with thrush as it won't get into your womb and harm your baby, however, sometimes it can be really difficult to clear up...especially when it is annoyingly itchy or sore.

Daktarin is from the same group of yeast busting drugs as clotrimazole 1% (canestan). This used on your genitals should rid of the thrush that is causing the itching, usually you can get a pack from the chemist which has a pessary that you can insert into your vagina to rid of the Candida.

If it doesn't clear up within a week, then it is best to see your GP.

We often give women Clotrimazole pessary and cream to use and to my knowledge does not harm the baby...but if you are still unsure have a chat with your GP...Hope this helps :D

Hiya Cat

This is a difficult one!! Your blood group is unlikely to change over the years, so the question is was the nurse right when she told you that you were A-ve (you see, if you are A+ve you can still receive A-ve blood...so was she maybe confused??).

On the other hand it is sometimes the case that you can have a weak D Rhesus factor in your blood, that is not always picked up....but if it is weak the labs normally inform your midwife requesting that a dose of anti-d should be given to cover it's weakness.

The third, and more frightening possibility is that they did indeed get your blood tests mixed up...it has been known. If you find this to be the case, then it is important to clarify that the rest of your blood tests (especially the ones taken at booking for Hep B/Rubella/syphillis etc) were not mixed up too...and write a formal complaint...this should never happen (although it does, as to err is human!!). If they did mix up your blood it is shocking!!

As far as your Down's syndrome screening is concerned...the blood test alone is only about 62% accurate anyway (which is near enough 50/50 right!!), which is why some private institutes now offer the nuchal scan which is about 92% accurate. So...in any case, try not to worry, it is just a good job that ity has been picked up now, and not later, especially if you were to require a blood transfusion!!!

Please let me know the outcome..I would be very interested...I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation there somewhere! :D

Good Luck

Kieren, sorry to be a pain, but i wonderd if i could ask you something,

for the past 24 hours, i keep getting very strong dragging feeling in my pelvic area, no pain, but it feels like everythings going to fall out, i never had this before on my other 2, only right at the end when there heads where going down getting ready.

should i be worried or contact my midwife about this?
Thanks Kieran. I'm not having the best week. I think I have thrush now. Trying not to think about pregnancy to be honest. The blood test hasn't been done yet. I'm actually going to my local hospital to get it done as I couldn't get an appointment at my doctors for ages. The thought of ectopic pregnancy really scares me but I don't have any of the symptoms - no pain - so trying to be rational about it. I went for a run today and when I finished felt some tugging at the left hand side of my abdomen which again worried me but it's probably nothing to worry about.
My doctor said that if the blood test is positive that they will test again in 48 hours to see if the levels rise as they should. If I'm negative they won't test again. Should they or I should I push for it? After all I'm probably not pregnant and my body is just acting a bit screwy at the moment.
PS We're lucky to have you.
Hi Kieran,

Thank you for Congratulating me on the baby. I have a quick question. Any advice on how to ease back pain? It seems to have gone from my lower to the back of my ribs along with my hips a bit more. I think it's my body trying to make room for the baby. But any advice on relief would be welcomed.

Ohk maybe two questions

Is it possible to spot and still come up negative until you reach where your next period should be? I spotted in April during the time of my 'af' but I didn't get a positive until the time for my af in may. I've had symptoms since april and I'm showing a bit. I just wondering. Because I think I'm 9 weeks which would be going by my March af.

Your wonderful for doing this for us. :)

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