If I could ever be of any help...

Hiya Joan

umm...you're right, there is very little information out there about the contraceptive pill and fetal malformations. The article you highlight concludes that the hormones are not of detriment to the mother or baby if conception occurs.

I was obviously taught whilst training to be a midwife that the risk of fetal abnormalities is higher if the contraceptive pill is used whilst conceiving - up to approx 3 months of stopping....but without concrete evidence it is difficult for me to say that this IS the case.

I will try to access the university literature on the topic...as I need to know...and let you know the outcome...with work etc it might be a little while, but you will be the first to know the results of my literature search...meanwhile if you do come across anything please let me know.

To everyone on this site:

As a midwife, I cannot confess to knowing everything, and there are times when I, like most, make mistakes. Sometimes when issues like these come up it gets the grey cells working and appreciate when people highlight a gap in knowledge. Joan, rightly challanged what I said and forced me to take a deeper look at the topic. It is only by challanging that true research and information can come out...everyone has the right to a good firm knowledge base :)

Research can be very subjective sometimes, as there are many things which can biase it. If a pharmacological company undertakes research about their drugs/medication then it is likely they will be biased towards the outcome pro their product. The number of studies and the control of the environment in which they are carried out also play an important part in accuracy to including the knowledge and skills of the researcher.

Because this was something I was taught, though I don't have any concrete answers yet, I would still advise caution whilst stopping the pill and waiting for a regulation of periods...just to be on the safe side...if you have any pressing questions on this issue please contact your GP....and watch this space. :D

Sorry for the long post...

Hiya Cat

Firstly, it can't do the baby any harm...if you are happy then your baby is likely to benefit from this :wink:

To have an increased sex drive during the second trimester is as normal as having a dcreased sex drive...it is partly hormonal, but also now your symptoms may have relaxed a little.

Some women feel a freedom from worries about contraception, combined with a renewed sense of closeness with your partner, makes sex more fulfilling. Desire generally subsides again during the third trimester as the uterus grows even larger and the reality of what's about to happen sets in.

Your partner's desire for sex is likely to increase or decrease as well. Some men feel even closer to their pregnant partner and enjoy the changes in their bodies. Others may experience decreased desire because of anxiety about the burdens of parenthood, or because of concerns about the health of both the mother and their unborn child.

Your partner may have trouble reconciling your identity as a sexual partner with your new (and increasingly visible) identity as an expectant mother. Again, remember that communication with your partner can be a great help in dealing with these issues.

So...you can continue to enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can! :wink:

Take Care :D

Kieren, I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. What are the earliest signs of pregnancy...other than missed AF? The reason I ask is because I am five days post IUI and tonight as I was sitting here reading posts on the forum I suddenly became HOT and started to SWEAT. It only lasted about two minutes, but those two minutes were very odd.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Hiya...sorry I'm so late in replying

Most women don't feel any signs until the fertilised egg attaches itself to the uterine wall - here you may get what is known as implantation bleeding.

You may experience all or none of these symptoms:

Food Cravings

Darkening of your areolas

Implantation bleeding or cramping

Frequent urination


Tender, swollen breasts

Morning sickness

Most of these are caused by hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), or progesterone in your system.

But...you may not experience any of these...everyone is different

Good Luck

i know how wrong this is but just need to talk about it.
i have complications and that does not make matters any good that i am about to say this but i was a maryawanna smoker and when i got pregnate i smoked up until may with my baby. the only thing that gave me the carrage to quit is that my doc said he seen it in my pee and if the baby came out and they gave it a blood test i would be refered to child services. so i gave up the habbit but have since replaced it with beer. i hate that i have done it but my friends have drunken when they were pregnate but there kids are fine. i know every pregnacy is different but it makes me feel better to know that i am not the only one. i have stopped drinking because i have started to feel really bad about what i have been doing its been about a month since i had a beer but i just feel so stupid and scard because i know what i have done. i dont know what kind of effect it will have even by my quitting 2 months before i am due? and i am sure that even with me stop smoking in may that it will still be in babys blood when born. how long does it take to get out of there system. I am already ashamed of myself so you dont have to talk down to me i know god will punish me for it. and i know there is no excuse. i had stopped but i am just worried about the damage i have already done.

First of all let me reassure you that I would never look down on anyone. In fact I respect you for tackling an addiction, twice during your pregnancy. This already shows to me that you have the baby's interest at heart...so you should be applauded for what has been an extremely couragous thing for you to do.

The facts are below...but don't get so hung up about them...every outcome is different so the information is generalised.

Cannabis and Tobacco

The risks of tobacco are mainly to your circulatory system with an increased risk of blood clots, heart disease and strokes. This risk is raised when you are also taking the contraceptive pill, though overall women are at less risk of heart disease than men. In pregnancy there is clear evidence that the babies of women who smoke are at risk of growth restriction and other problems.

The risks associated with cannabis use are mainly due to the fact that the active ingredients build up in fat tissue, which includes the brain. The main risks seem to be a decrease in energy and motivation, and an increased risk of depression. In those who are vulnerable to psychotic illnesses when thinking is disturbed, cannabis increases the risk of a psychotic episode. There is little data regarding the effects on the baby when mothers use cannabis during their pregnancy. While it is not known to be definitely harmful, there is no evidence that it is safe. Cannabis can be found in the urine up to 12 weeks after habitual use...I don't know quite how long it will take to get out of your baby's system...but I'm guessing it is around this period of time at the most.

Little is known about the effects of cannabis smoking on breast feeding. It is believed that some of the drug will pass through the breast milk to the baby and the baby may become unsettled and demand frequent feeding.


There is ongoing debate about what constitutes a safe limit for alcohol in pregnancy. Some experts believe that alcohol should be avoided completely in the first three months. Others believe that one or two drinks now and again, but preferably not every day, is fine. There is no doubt that excessive drinking is associated with abnormalities in the baby, but there is no evidence to suggest that drinking a small amount during pregnancy is harmful.

One of the most severe effects of drinking during pregnancy is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS is one of the leading known preventable causes of mental ******ation and birth defects. If a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy, her baby can be born with FAS, a lifelong, physically and mentally disabling condition. FAS is characterized by (1) abnormal facial features, (2) growth deficiencies, and (3) central nervous system (CNS) problems. People with FAS may have problems with learning, memory, attention span, communication, vision, and/or hearing. These problems often lead to difficulties in school and problems getting along with others. FAS is a permanent condition. It affects every aspect of an individual’s life and the lives of his or her family.

Now...let's get this into perspective. You have tackled these problems courageously, and it is never too late to give up...it will give your baby the best chance of good development. I don't know how much alcohol you drank, but beer is not as high in alcohol as spirits...so things could have been loads worse.

You Dr seems to have been a bit strong with the threat of child services..But i guess he is trying to encourage you to give up. I don't know what it is like in the states, but to begin with most women who smoke cannabis here would not be detected as there are no routine urine tests during pregnancy...unless you have a strong history of drug use...cannabis is seen as one of the lesser drugs after cocaine and heroin.

I personally don't believe that God will punish you for this!!...it is not a major crime!! God if anything will congratulate you on your efforts to give up!!

Do you have any support at home? The worse thing would be to be surrounded with all these things you like when you are trying to stay on the straight and narrow. Do you have a partner?...is he supporting your efforts. I do hope you have someone to turn to when you are in a crisis :).

I am here if you ever need to ask anything or are seeking reassurance and support. Many of the women on this site I'm sure will have experienced similar problems to you, so mingle and see what advice you can get about your pregnancy and other matters from those who have been there before :)

Take Care...I will be thinking if you :)


Thank You for your good advice. The morning after posting my question to you regarding Heartburn I couldn't stand it any longer so went to see my GP. She prescribed me with Gaviscon Advanced chewable tablets and would you believe I haven't even had chance to try them yet because have had no Heartburn since!! Typical!!
BubbleOne xxx
Hi Kieran,
thought I'd say hello. Hope life isn't too hectic with work and you're getting a chance to do some cycling. AF arrived again yesterday but I'm okay about it. Another month ahead. Thinking of going to a homeopath. Believe it's been successful for a lot of women.
Hope you good.
hi Kieren

im 13 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child, the problem is with my second pregnancy last year i had a srom at 25 weeks and had to stay in hospital for 6 weeks to make sure everything was ok and they sent me home when i was 31 weeks because my fluid levels were ok again, im quite worried that it might happen again, or is every prenancy different?
thanx for your help, sorry if it dont make sense
thanx again

Hi Ive just found out Im pregnant, but this has nothing to do with my question (just yet anyway lol)
Im starting college in september then aplying to uni to study midwifery, have you got any advice which will help me along the way?
Many thanks,
xxxxxxxx Faye xxxxxxxxx

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