Time To Say Goodbye


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
Hello everyone!

It is with sad regret that I am no longer going to be here to give advice. I have been strongly advised by certain people in my profession (actually told!) that it isn't a good idea for me to continue offering my support and guidance as it could affect my registration as a midwife should any issues arise that points a finger at me. :(

We are bound by strict codes of conduct, and whereas I have tried to answer all your questions as honestly and openly as possible, there is always a risk that someone will think my advice is the only medical opinion they need to seek, and not see a professional in their own area. :(

I have enjoyed your many questions, and hope you all continue to support each other during pregnancy and beyond. :)

The best of luck goes out to each and everyone of you, it has been an honour to have been accepted on this site with open arms.

I will still look in every now and again...so take care.

Love to you all :D

Thanks Kieran.

I actually wondered about your liability here - that you might be exposed legally if someone had a problem relying on your advice, despite your disclaimer. So I'm not surprised this happened.

Stay well, and thanks for the help you have given.

Well its a shame to see you go, you have been a great help.
Good Luck TTC, let us know how you get on!

Ta Ta!

Good Luck Kieren and thanks for your great advice.
You will be missed xxx
BubbleOne xxx
You will be missed - you have helped a lot of people here. Certainly I have been reassured by your advice to others on more than one ocassion.

Best wishes
Jacq x
Thanks for all your advice so far and I wish you the best of luck with your own family making plans :D

Best wishes and good luck for the future.
Thank you for everything Kieran.
We will miss you.
Aww thats such a sameh Keiren, Thanks for everything you were a big help to me. Take Care and hope everything goes well for you in the future! Lots of love Jo x

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