I want it all to be over with now!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hi just winging really... im bored and sick of the whole pregnancy thing. Im sick and coughing none stop, the baby is so low down that my hips and back kill me, I can't sit without my legs open because my belly now hangs so far down, So can't sit comfy, i'm still sick now and again for no reason...
I've just had enough and want to get the labour over and done with and finally get the baby. I feel like ive been waiting forever now. i have another six weeks of waiting and could just cry. I want to meet the baby now and move on with my life. get back to been me and not pregnant me. It seems to be my whole personality at the minute. Im also sick of people saying 'enjoy it while you can no sleep when baby comes' i can't sleep now anyway!! I think people remember there pregnancys with rose tinted glasses sometimes!
oohhh love you picked leo as one of your names :D x

Yeah can say I was fedup near the end, Hoping this pregnancy goes faster x But in all I had my baby early so I was lucky in a way hehe x he was born at 38+2 after failed induction via section. I can say that was hard to get over x

Hope you feel better soon x
Im due a week after u and im having same crappy pregnancy as u, i swear ill get more sleep when shes here im sick of it all now and i have 3 other kids to look after and a husband who works away! Im sick of people just talking about the baby and nothing else. I feel like my wombs been hyjacked by a squatter and my hips and back is killing. It feels like forever that 7wks will be here. I know how u feel we'll rant at each other till the end. X
Yeh Leo is our Boy name and Alice our girls - small world to say there not popular names lol x

Im really just looking forward to people talking about something else apart from labour and how hard it will be... Ill find out for myself soon! Just feel like i have everything organised for baby, im just sat waiting now and i hate it! Im at home all day with nothing to do counting down untill husband gets home from work, at least if i had the baby here i would have something to take up my time! I hate sitting around this is the first time i have not been at work and i dont like it... its so dull!
I think 9 months is too long five month would have been much better. Just feel very sorry for myself atm just want to meet the baby... and my ashma has flared up so im sure all this coughing will be annoying the baby too lol x
Have you thought about maybe taking up a craft or hobby to fill your time now. I want to start to learn crochet or knitting I was hopeless as a child and I need to learn something to help my kids in the future I can't even sew :( lol x
Peppermint can really help with coughing - my DH has really bad asthma and a chect infection at the minute and I am doing peppermint and tea tree steams for him that he sits over and breaths in - you can also use lavender to help with breathing and sleep - he finds these work really well - only a couple of drops of each is needed and they need to be diluted with either carrier oil or water - I had a lavender bath the other night and that helped with getting over - hope you feel better soon
Thanks ladies, I will give the peppermint a go when i go to town at the weekend. I'm not a fan of lavander i dont like the smell but if i get desperate i will try that too lol.

I crosstich but since getting pregnant i seem to have lost all interest, i dont feel like i want to really do anything much... I need to just cheer myself up and get over the cold and i will feel better lol x
I know excatly how u feel. Its dragging for me now and I'm in agony, ended up in hospital lastnight as I was in agony walking. Was diagnosed with SPD, I'm walking like John Wayne and I'm thinking how can I take nearly 5 more weeks of this. I had a tough pregnancy with DD as had kidney stones, but I just remember the feeling of when I was handed her and it was all worth it. Don't listen to everyone telling u how hard labour is, with DD I had a great labour, 9 cms without any pain relief :) I'd go through labour tomorrow, it's just the pregnancy part I hate haha xxx
I'm starting to find it exhausting too... :( Getting fed up with it, everything leaves me out of breath, and trying to sleep is awful.
i feel exactly the same redbear i feel guilty for feeling like this but i just don't do pregnancy very well it just makes me so sick drained and tired all the time i am huge so everything hurts! wish i was one of those woman who sail through it glowing but thats never gonna happen i would rather go through labour than be pregnant lol
I know how you feel, ive not had an easy pregnancy with 24/7 sickness for twenty odd weeks then SPD, ive still kinda enjoyed the fact that im pregnant but it feels like forever and im clumsy and uncomfortable now and just want him here! I think the fact we're ready for him makes it worse too x
Im getting fed up with it all too! Its even making me start to doubt whether I made the right decision in life and should have gone through with this all :(. Ive done so well to keep happy these last couple of weeks and I feel Ive sunk into the rut again :(
:hugs: know exactly how you feel, and ive still got just under 10 weeks to go!

I know people go on bout pregnancy glow and how much of a wonderful time it is and i agree, having a baby is a blessing and something to be treasured BUT pregnancy isnt easy and isnt always a happy time,

And tbh the final stretch seems to go on forever,

Im like you havent had a decent nights sleep in so long i cant remember when ill prob sleep more when bubs is here!

Ive started making lists of things i wanna get done before "D day" to try and pass the time,

Hope you manage some rest soon and feel better xxx
Yeh been sick doesn't help i just want to pass the time, feel better and have the baby... this final 6 weeks is going to drag! x

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