I wanna bump!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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I really want a bump, at the moment i just look like ive eaten too many pies!! My clothes are tighter but maternity jeans too big! I remember this inbetween stage being awful with my son! Hopefully it will come soon!

Sorry ladies..pointless thread, just ranting really!xx
o.k, found a point to my post,:rotfl: ...

When did you start to get a definate bump and is this your 1st, 2nd etc pregnancy? (As they say its sooner 2nd time)xx
Lol. When i was at that stage i told my OH i wanted a sign to carry round saying 'i'm not fat, i'm pregnant' lol. I just felt large but not round.
Don't worry it'll come :) Mine just popped out one day.Lol
Im small so my bump showed very early on
as it had no where else to go but out :lol:
This is my first
You'll get a baby bump son hon :hug:
I've had my bump for a few weeks now but it's becoming more notacable to the world and it's friends. This is my 4th pregnancy as I lost one in 2002 time and I always forget to count that as a pregnancy, so I've had 3 pregnacys go to full term and lost one at 8 weeks ish.
katie05 said:
My clothes are tighter but maternity jeans too big!

I know that feeling! I can't fit into any of my regular trousers but my maternity jeans keep falling down. I am ok with tops as most of my tops are far too big anyway due to weight loss before the pregnancy.
I can't really see a bump yet... I still see a fat belly but everyone tells me it is obvious I am pregnant. This is my first pregnancy. So far I haven't had a good experience so lil bubba could be an only child! :lol:
Hey again, to be precise i popped at 18 weeks 1 day though i thought i was bumpy before but that morning i woke up and it looked like i'd swallowed a football!

I think though that it was because i got married at 18 weeks and the baby was being considerate and ensuring that i didnt look big for my wedding photos!

(oh and it's my first pregnancy) :) xxxxxxxxx
this is my first pregnancy and when i had my 15 week scan last week i didn't even feel pregnant really and hardly had a bump. it just looked like i had also eaten a lot of pies but early this week my belly has really popped out and looks a lot more like a nice round bump now. baby is having a growth spurt this week :D
It will come soon enough hun! I didn't show until I was 6 months and then everyone thought I was about to drop!!! :rotfl:
I want a bump too!! People keep asking me where it is :D I just think I've eaten rather badly and feel a bit podgy. It will come soon enough :dance:

well im glad some others are in the same boat, im 20 weeks and i just feel tubby!

in a morning you cant even tell im pregnant, then come dinner i start getting bigger (probably with all the food im eating!) lol

Im waiting for that day when i wake up to a gorge round bump!!
Hope its soon...... :pray:
I know how you feel hun!! I can tell I'm pregnant and the people who know have just started saying I have a little bump now, but if you didn't know you'd probably just think I'd eaten too many pies too!! my mum said she didn't show properly until she was 6 months so maybe I'll be the same???? I'm sure like people have said it'll happen all at once! :)
I didnt really get a bump until about 27 weeks then it came over night.
i got a bump about 18 weeks but you could tell i was pregnant about 22 weeks.
now i look like im ready to topple over!lol
I didn't get my bump for AGES...it started really showing to the world at about 6 months and has been growing slowley ever since. My biggest growth period has been between 33-37 wks. I think it just really depends on your genes are how you are carrying. I found it quite annoying thought as like you say I was inbetween clothes for ages...couldn't quite get into my normal stuff as my waist was expanding but maternity clothes were baggy and unflattering :? In the end I opted for leggings and lose tops as the most flattering solution :think:
A pupil first noticed my bump at 16 weeks. A stranger first asked when I am due at 21 weeks.
If you like, you could look after my bump for a bit. I'd love to be able to move without it for a little while. :rotfl:
i woke up at 9 weeks with a big belly. but that was right before christmas and is definatly food cos baby is much lower down (i've gained 8cm around my belly button, but not very much where baby is). Some poeple at work are saying i am not showing and some say that they can notice i ahve gained weight, i think it depends if they are people i see every day or not.

its our first.

I popped over night at about 15-16 weeks. about the same time i decided to let it all hang out lol. thats the besssst part, you can just let it all hang out and it doesnt matter!! :D:D and now it gets in my way all the time and i find it hard to put my socks on :roll:
I was exactly the same. I was just fat at around 14 weeks and then all of a sudden at 22 weeks, BAM!
Now i cant get in my trousers and i am waddling.
It will happen before you know it.
Thanks for your replies girls..guess ill have to be more patient!

Ha ha kalia..yes throw your bump over my way for a few weeks. :rotfl:

Just wait ill be moaning about my bump in couple of months!x


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